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Evil Chris 12-30-2002 02:24 PM

What browser are you using now?
I used to use Netscape waaaay back at ver 1.2 and prior but I got on the IE bandwagon at around ver 3.0 and never really looked back.

What does everyone use now?

sherie 12-30-2002 02:30 PM

Same!! IE :)

modF 12-30-2002 02:40 PM

Opera for linux mainly, but I do use Opera/IE on Windows.

Panky 12-30-2002 02:57 PM

IE here! I'll use Netscape only to test sites for compatibility and design. Main browser usage is IE.
<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/_950/ie5.gif" width="19" height="29">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/6/smiliepirate.gif" width="15" height="15">



wsjb78 12-30-2002 03:12 PM

Mostly Opera 6.05....

Evil Chris 12-30-2002 03:43 PM


Originally posted by wsjb78
Mostly Opera 6.05....
Is xnations pretty with Opera? LOL

pornodoggy 12-30-2002 06:51 PM

I check my work in Netscape ... other than that I'm an IE user.

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 12-30-2002 06:58 PM

I've been using BROWSE 3D for about 4 months now ...

It is a whole new internet experience ... and is IE powered




StuartD 12-30-2002 10:24 PM

I use mozilla... have for a long time.... long before Netscape scooped it up and rebranded it for themselves.

The only thing that is semi annoying about it is that you have to go and get plugins for everything, like quicktime, flash, shockwave... everything. But in reality, it's kinda better, cause you don't end up with a fully loaded browser with tons of stuff ya never use.

This thing has popup blockers, awesome cookie and image management based on servers you're on, it has amazing password and form management....

It puts windows into tabs and loads them in the background, instead of spawning whole other windows all the time.

it's just an all around better browser in my opinion... and is continually getting so much better with every release. :D

Mister X 12-30-2002 11:30 PM

I mostly use IE because it's the defacto standard. I've been using Mozilla a lot lately though. It's a very nice tight browser and because it's being updated constantly there are very few compatibility problems. I used to have Netscape 4.7 installed to check compatibility but I haven't bothered reinstalling the last 3 months. I used to swear by Opera but they have really fallen behind the pack and there always compatibility issues. Now I just use it to check that pages I design will work in Opera.

Darin 12-31-2002 01:07 AM


.. but fuggin outlook express after sp1 on xp sucks shit. I cant get my attachments now, my icons are all gone. WTF MS!


tejano B 12-31-2002 04:34 AM

IE 666:cackle:

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 12-31-2002 05:19 AM

I also use THIS BROWSER for surfing PORN !!! :D

Tafkap 12-31-2002 05:23 AM

IE 6


wsjb78 12-31-2002 05:53 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Is xnations pretty with Opera? LOL
It looks good... :o) want me to post some screenshots? I only use MSIE for onlinebanking with Credit Suisse and checking PR of pages!

jact 12-31-2002 07:45 AM


Originally posted by StuartD

This thing has popup blockers, awesome cookie and image management based on servers you're on, it has amazing password and form management....

It has popup blockers? How? :D

I use Mozilla, IE6 doesn't work well with our satellit software and causes it to enable its "FAIR ACCESS POLICY" (Translated, YOU GET MODEM SPEED BECAUSE YOU'RE USING YOUR CONNECTION). Mozilla apparently doesn't report the number of connections to the software so it doesn't break things.

Evil Chris 12-31-2002 11:12 AM


Originally posted by wsjb78
It looks good... :o) want me to post some screenshots?
Sure! That would be interesting....
I'm considering installing a version of Netscape..., but this is the only copy I have.... LMAO :D
<img src="http://www.evil-chris.com/temp/netscape12.jpg">

wsjb78 12-31-2002 11:47 AM

I just made two screenshots. Since I'm using a rather high-resolution and don't won't to compress it too much so that you still can see all clearly I just link to them here:

Overview on the threads: http://www.wsjb78.com/topics.jpg
View inside this thread: http://www.wsjb78.com/thread.jpg

firehorse 12-31-2002 11:50 AM

We use IE 6.0 on 3 machines, IE 5.5 on 2 others!:bonk:

Mister X 12-31-2002 01:49 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Sure! That would be interesting....
I'm considering installing a version of Netscape..., but this is the only copy I have.... LMAO :D

I wonder what you could get for that baby on Ebay? ::-|

If you're considering a new version of Netscape just go to mozilla.org and get Mozilla instead. It's basically the same thing as Netscape 7 but you don't have to wade through all of the AOL corporate bullshit to d/l it.

StuartD 12-31-2002 08:28 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Sure! That would be interesting....
I'm considering installing a version of Netscape..., but this is the only copy I have.... LMAO :D
<img src="http://www.evil-chris.com/temp/netscape12.jpg">

Requirements are Windows 3.1 or higher. Windows for workgroups 3.11 or higher :D

BobbyR 01-01-2003 11:35 AM

netscape is a great browser but IE is what most everyone is using these days.

Juge 01-01-2003 12:08 PM

I've used IE since the days of netscape 3, I think. Before then, I used netscape all the time, and switched only because it crashed too often, and I knew IE was built into the OS, so it shouldn't crash. Even though I hated tons of features of IE (like managing favourites from within IE - which STILL sucks big time), I stuck with it.

XxXotic 01-01-2003 01:26 PM

i.e. 6

cool1 01-01-2003 04:01 PM

Opera or IE depending on my mood that day.
If i'm in a fuck you mood I will use Opera 6.5
when its the could care less mood I use IE 5.5

asiangogo 01-01-2003 08:24 PM

Using Opera & i just love the way i can have 30 windows open from within the browser and not on the task bar and if it crashes it has an option on restart to strat before the crash so i get all my windows back and start right where i left off.

BuggyG 01-01-2003 08:52 PM

I use both IE and NEtscape. Work pretty good both. But with IE ya never know it just pulls an attack and screws up on ya. So I got netscape for backup. Cause ya know, with Microsoft ya can never be 100% sure. Well in my case

LAJ 01-02-2003 02:45 AM

Never used anything but IE

Evil Chris 01-02-2003 10:05 AM


Originally posted by asiangogo
Using Opera & i just love the way i can have 30 windows open from within the browser and not on the task bar and if it crashes it has an option on restart to strat before the crash so i get all my windows back and start right where i left off.
I think I may try Opera... Sounds like it's "popup friendly"

wsjb... thanks for the screenshots. Looks nice!

jact 01-02-2003 10:09 AM

I just installed Opera and hot damn am I impressed! I'd never used it before but I think it's going to be my new favorite browser. I'll use Mozilla as my backup for sites that don't exactly work right (Found a few already)

heqdvd 01-02-2003 11:54 AM

Netscape 4.72 is still a good test platform. (THAT PIC OF NETSCAPE 1.2 IS CLASSIC! If you really have that, save it. In 10 years it will be worth something!)

Mozillas' tabs are great, but I have trouble with some plug-ins, beyond the basic ones. like 3-D or even VHTML.

Opera's speedy but has trouble with complex .css and embedded frames.

IE6/Outlook Express are forced at you, but you MUST do


every week becasue the security risks for this browser (most of "us" use) are serious. I know this 20 year-old who can do NASTY things with Outlook.

In fact if you have OUTLOOK open with php, it can be like letting the hacker see your all your mail! I know this is true from looking at Zone Alarm attack records.


XP SHOULD BE BANNED FROM ALL BOARDS! The new licensing prgram is truly evil. You have to keep paying and paying and paying and paying

"critical updates"

- ggerg

Tobbe 01-02-2003 12:45 PM

IE :bonk:

Evil Chris 01-02-2003 02:32 PM

Tobbe... where have you been? Hiding out during the holidays?

wsjb78 01-02-2003 03:24 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I think I may try Opera... Sounds like it's "popup friendly"

wsjb... thanks for the screenshots. Looks nice!

Chris, you'll love the F12 key....

Mister X 01-02-2003 05:48 PM

I like Opera a lot for it's design and ease of use. I just got frustrated with trying to get certain things to work and decided to use Mozilla as my main secondary. Some things just seem to end up looking very strange in Opera even thought they work perfectly in the others. As far as plugins for Mozilla or Opera... I really only use flash anyways. All the other plugins I could care less most of the time.

Danny_C 01-02-2003 07:22 PM

Mozilla - It's really a great browser. Once you use Mozilla for a few days, you'll never go back to IE except for testing purposes.

dyonisus 01-02-2003 09:58 PM

IE 6.0
I am a diehard Microsoft fan, Bill Gates should teach us all a thing or two about marketing!!!
Monopolize the world, Reep the Rewards!!!

LadyMischief 01-02-2003 10:37 PM

We're using Opera now and I love it..alhtough Mozilla is the backup browser.. I detest IE and avoid it at all costs.

Bree 01-02-2003 11:37 PM

I use IE

I check my work in Netscrape for compatibility.. sometimes LOL

I check browser stats at http://www.echoecho.com/

The college I work at used to use Netscrape exclusively.. I swear the 5% of Netscape users are all on our campus!!
I made a fuss about it b/c you obviously can't teach people how to buidl websites if you don't have the browser used by the majority of net users.

http://www.anybrowser.com is a handy site for checking compatibility, too

I wish IE was skinnable ... :)

eXperienZ 01-04-2003 04:26 PM

I use IE...

Opera = Norwegian browser... :D

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