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oceania 05-22-2006 09:14 AM

so if you could live anywhere where would it be
My lease is up in august
here in so. florida
i dont plan on renewing

putting the 120 yo victorian house up for sale in east tennessee

now deciding on where to live
dont have a lot of money
and need decent schools

so where would you live?

TheLegacy 05-22-2006 10:55 AM

I call home in my wifes arms. Anywhere else is gravy.

canada is one of the safest and multicultural acceptable places around - I would prefer my child growing up to accept the differences in others and tolerate

shedevil and I are planning on getting a farm - maybe you can join us here ;)

MorganGrayson 05-22-2006 01:03 PM

Wow. A farm in Canada. I'd love that.

Despite it all - the hideous cost of living; the traffic; the fact that our governor is the Terminator...I've actually come to accept California as home.

I don't think I'd *ever* let go of a 120 year old Victorian house though...even if it was in Tennessee.

OK...maybe if it was in Tennessee....

I've always dreamed about a big, Victorian house....

TheLegacy 05-22-2006 02:12 PM

try chautauqua new york - awesome place set back in the 1800s - get some great homes in that town

Rictor 05-22-2006 02:21 PM

Well, personally, I hate the cold and snow, so I'd move somewhere that's warm all year round.

If you like cold winters, you could move somewhere south of Indianapolis. You've got the huge Hoosier National Forest and lots of 200 year old houses. Most of the school systems are good...as long as you live in a nice neighborhood...since in Indiana public schools are paid for with property taxes. Also, Indiana has one of the lowest costs of living in the country. Real estate is practically free here when compared to other parts of the country. For the same amount you'd spend on a 1 bedroom condo in Los Angeles, you could get a 10-bedroom mansion on 20 acres of land here.

Evil Chris 05-22-2006 07:12 PM

Montreal. No really. I love it here, and don't see myself moving ever.

Anywhere else is just a nice place to visit.

Deuce 05-22-2006 07:57 PM

Cali Cali Cali my friends. I been to New York, been to Florida, been to Hawaii, been to Spain, been to Portugal From my expereinces I could only live in The San Francisco Bay Area. I know living someware is a lot differnt then visiting but thats all the expereince i got.

StaceyJo 05-23-2006 05:31 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Montreal. No really. I love it here, and don't see myself moving ever.

Anywhere else is just a nice place to visit.

yeah our nicest place is our home, I mean its really to be the place where you lived almost of your life... nothing beats that...

oceania 05-23-2006 07:44 AM

i guess because i am a former air force brat
moving never meant anything to ome
just a ntoerh reason to clean out an roganize the closet <smile>
home has always been where the family was... but with brothers and sisters all over the country and mom and dad travelling... my son in college... it's me and my daughter, the dog and the b/f (not necessarily in that order hahaha)
and i want a clean start of it all...
south florida doesnt have the 4 seasons which i miss so much and eastern tenn. even tho it is a beautiful victorian has too many bad memories...
i like the idea of a farm Legacy... i often thought of building an artist community... who knows...

jacobkell 05-23-2006 04:50 PM

I would like to live in Miami

oceania 05-24-2006 09:57 AM

miami is fun
if i were single maybe
but traffic is horrible
and housing prices are rediculous

Bhelliom 05-24-2006 11:04 AM

I'm going to toss in my two cents here and suggest Vancouver. well ok... outside the city naturally somewhere in the delta, or more north up in the mountains near Whistler.

Great Multicultural atmosphere, Great quiet neighborhoods and communities, The full four seasons, although without the extreme cold and heat of the interior of the country, It's a little more balanced. Not to mention the only spot in Canada, with all land regions including, mountains, ocean, desert, plains, rainforests.... glaciers, awesome skiing, and hiking and camping in the mountains, and Golf all year round. there's something for everyone

ponyboy 05-26-2006 08:03 AM

Hi everyone

Some of you know me from other boards and have been following what’s been going on with my lover and a US embassy in Asia, not renewing his visa. After this if he can’t get back into the USA, I’m planning on moving to wherever he can get to, Canada, the UK, maybe even Thailand.
Chautauqua Long Island is very nice, but unless you have tons of money LI isn’t the place. The cost of living is very, very high! The average cost of a home is 550,000. And up! Plus running it is very costly.
If I had to pick one place in the US that I would move to it would be back to Colorado. I lived there 12 wonderful years. C springs

TheEnforcer 05-26-2006 10:28 AM

Thedre are a TON of great towns in Wisconsin if you are looking to enjoy all 4 seasons again. Great places like Sturgeon Bay in the Door peninsula which gives you close access to all the great beauty that is Lake Michigan and the Door peninsula, Madison or any of it's burbs like Verona which is the state capital and a very progressive town that people love to live in, a great college town like Stevens Point which I miss dearly and lived for a number of years after graduation, La Crosse a nice WI-MN border town on the Mississippi river, or somewhere in the north woods of Wisconsin like Minoqua.

Ton's of great places to live.

BTW- maybe try http://www.findyourspot.com/ and see what it pops out for you.

SykkBoy 05-26-2006 05:50 PM

Avoid Las Vegas, it's starting to suck...growing traffic and pollution problems and out of control real estate prices, quality of teachers is dropping...

freeklaus 05-31-2006 12:44 PM

Right here in Vegas !! close to southern Cal on one side...rocky mountains to the east........ started My own business and the money is good..... ya traffic sucks.... but that is any big city anymore....

canadian4life 05-31-2006 03:37 PM

i would like to live in hollywood hehe next to all the celeberty..

wildgirl 06-01-2006 01:42 PM

I would like to live in Italy :)

MorganGrayson 06-01-2006 06:35 PM


Originally posted by Rictor
Well, personally, I hate the cold and snow, so I'd move somewhere that's warm all year round.

If you like cold winters, you could move somewhere south of Indianapolis. You've got the huge Hoosier National Forest and lots of 200 year old houses. Most of the school systems are good...as long as you live in a nice neighborhood...since in Indiana public schools are paid for with property taxes. Also, Indiana has one of the lowest costs of living in the country. Real estate is practically free here when compared to other parts of the country. For the same amount you'd spend on a 1 bedroom condo in Los Angeles, you could get a 10-bedroom mansion on 20 acres of land here.

Ah...Indianapolis! I haven't been there in over 20 years, but when I went the city had just completed a total cleanup and beautification campaign. I swear, it looked as if someone had come out and scrubbed the streets then planted flowers wherever they'd fit. I was *most* impressed. I liked Indiana as a whole. It's true what you said...coming from California, for the price of a home one could probably by a town...or at least a block. :)

Land is a dream destined to be unfulfilled, unless we hit the lottery or something. I'd love to own land...lots of it, where I could grow things, raise animals, have a big, old farmhouse...that would be wonderful. :)

Quagmire 06-02-2006 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy
I call home in my wifes arms. Anywhere else is gravy.

canada is one of the safest and multicultural acceptable places around - I would prefer my child growing up to accept the differences in others and tolerate

shedevil and I are planning on getting a farm - maybe you can join us here ;)

Make sure you have lots of time to spare if you plan on working and having a farm. Or are you just looking for acreage? A lot of my time is spend mowing acres of lawn and dealing with horses. :knight:

Dr. Wicks 06-02-2006 02:16 PM

Sydney Australia would be nice!

twinkley 06-02-2006 02:20 PM


I thought wisconsin was a lot like michigan ... 2 seasons ... fucking snow and fucking road construction LOL

Oceania .. you dont have to go that far! Central florida is MUCH cheaper than sofla and the school systems here in suburbia are pretty good from what i hear (for florida that is lol)


twinkley 06-02-2006 02:22 PM

I'm actually looking to go the other way ... lol ...

I'm sick of dealing with yardwork, gardening, HOA's ... fixing house issues etc etc etc ...

We have been looking at downtown condos ... they are hella expensive here ... but if we can find one in the right range ... ahhhhh no more house responsibilites lol


Funbrunette 06-02-2006 04:27 PM

Somewhere HOT all year round, with beautiful beaches, but no hurricanes (or tropical storm)...Is there such a thing? :green:

twinkley 06-02-2006 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette
Somewhere HOT all year round, with beautiful beaches, but no hurricanes (or tropical storm)...Is there such a thing? :green:

What about on the med? Southern Italy perhaps?? mmmm REAL italian food .. and coffee ... all the time ... *droooool*


Dr. Wicks 06-02-2006 05:03 PM

in a house would be much nicer than on the streets!

Nickatilynx 06-03-2006 01:20 PM

I ha lived in France , Italy , UK , the US , various African countries and the West Indies and IMHO There is a good reason why Vancouver / BC always seems to win "Best Place in the World" to live.


Being with my wife and kids makes anywhere bearable.
And having money makes any place very nice.

Syl 06-05-2006 03:02 PM

Anywhere along the beach one day. So I can jog along the beach and watch the ocean waves while the sun sets every evening. Sigh. Probably not til I am really old though.

plugin 06-05-2006 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by jacobkell
I would like to live in Miami

HUGE potential......that's nice :)

Newton 06-06-2006 10:08 AM

Without a doubt it would be Vancouver .. lived all over Europe and this is the only place that feels like its home.

blazi 06-06-2006 11:04 AM

if I had the money and choice I'd live in Miami all year long!

Anthony 06-06-2006 11:39 AM

South Florida is wearing thin on me. I walk outside, it's instant shower with the humidty.

I do miss Vancouver. If I got a place up there, I would definately shell out the bucks and get A/C, those 2 months suck ass.

Nickatilynx 06-06-2006 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Anthony
South Florida is wearing thin on me. I walk outside, it's instant shower with the humidty.

I do miss Vancouver. If I got a place up there, I would definately shell out the bucks and get A/C, those 2 months suck ass.


Admit it , you miss me :)

Anthony 06-07-2006 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Nickatilynx

Admit it , you miss me :)


Why does it always have to be about you!!!

I'm coming up to visit soon!

Evil Chris 06-07-2006 09:07 AM

I'm not crazy about the constant cold and wet weather in Vancouver, however I'd take it over the Florida humidity any day.

I may be back out there in September for leedsfan's show.

Panky 06-07-2006 02:05 PM

I'm happy right here in Montreal. It's become "home" now. Sure the winters can suck and I bitch about them from time to time, but it's human nature to bitch about something. lol! ;)

SilvercashJeanette 06-07-2006 02:58 PM

Hmmm....I love it here in Cali, but if I could live anywhere I'd like to go to Ireland. I have never been, so it may not be the way I think it is, but deffinatly to visit would be great!

jacobkell 06-07-2006 05:39 PM

Everyone want's go to florida he he

jscott 06-09-2006 02:07 AM

my dream is to eventually move to and live in Prague Czech Rebublic

Kenny B 06-09-2006 11:06 AM

As much as I love Montreal I could do my winters elsewhere, I've always liked Phoenix! reall though the nicest place I've ever been has been Switzerland!

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