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Pidgin 01-16-2003 07:28 PM

The worst Vegas-related experience..
Post here the worst vegas related experience you had.. (exclude "I lost $14K at the casino" trivials ;) )

I sat on my brand new PDA (fujitsu-siemens pocket Loox) containing ALL the contacts I made during the show. Not only the screen was totally smashed and fixing it costs more than buying a new one but ALL the data was lost.
Lucky me I still had all the bizcards (good all trustworthy paper devices)

(the story had a semi-happy ending though)

Darin 01-16-2003 07:30 PM

HEY! I remember you! :D

Pidgin 01-16-2003 07:32 PM


Originally posted by Darin
HEY! I remember you! :D
Sure! Because of my brand new Avatar ;)
btw - I hope you didnt post this as your worst Vegas related experience :cool:

Darin 01-16-2003 07:35 PM

Well there was that ONE time when....

SetTheWorldOnFire 01-16-2003 07:40 PM

had a hernia catchup with me at the lightspeed party. long story. Left early.

It was fun before that tho :D

Katlicious 01-16-2003 07:53 PM

Hey XXXManager, it was nice meeting you.

My worst experience was nearly getting into a fist fight two days in a row with cab drivers. They sucked balls man! The first one was a nice gentlemen when I first got into the cab and then turned into lucifer when he was lost. He's the cab driver, how can he be lost.

The second fucking idiot, was a cab driver who was mad because I didn't want to walk by myself in Las Vegas, at 4 am. from the Venetian to Harrah's. He was rude the whole way, so I refused to pay him. I asked him what was wrong with him, and he said "Individuals like you getting in my cab." They called security I stated my case and his license was written down and reported. He also called me a name that I didn't hear because I was going up to my room cause the security guard was acting like a dumbie. So in the end he called me a "Drunken Whore", while I wasn't around, and the Valet person heard and busted him and came running after me apologizing. Drunken whore, I guess having 2 drinks early in the night that night made me a drunken whore. Oh well, if I would have heard that he would have become something unrecognizable.!:D

Pidgin 01-16-2003 08:12 PM

Hey Kat.
Was gr8 meeting you. You keep in touch babe.
Well - cab drivers suck most of the time.
I had a ride with a can. Meter showed $9.10 so I gave her $10 (feeling its some what a small tip but wtf..)
anyway - the cab driver shouted out "Well.. How typical"
I didn't know what was wrong so - the caring person I am - I asked
She said "Ho.. Never mind" in a grumpy voice.
Caring as I will always be, I asked "What? whats typical"
"Well, its like only 90 cents, you do realize that?"
I ended up giving her another dollar cause it seemed it was worth much more to her than to me - you should have seen the content look she had when revieving the extra dollar..
Well - I do realize one is expected to tip like 15% or something, but to actively and loudly complain when being given ONLY 10% - is that a regular thing over there in Vegas?

LaurieX 01-16-2003 08:24 PM

Hmmm well last year I lost my boyfriends wallet in Vegas on our last night there. And then this year I lost his $800 digital camera on our last night there Thank Gosh it turned up but needles to say it was NOT pretty hehe. The funny thing is I am a VERY responsible person :)

luke 01-16-2003 08:30 PM

I lost my wallet at last year's show too. Luckily I didn't have my money in it. I had to get an old military id fedexed to the hotel so I could at least get on the airline home.

Darin 01-16-2003 08:46 PM

I woke up in some chicks hotel room and didnt remember anything.

Darin 01-16-2003 08:47 PM


Originally posted by Darin
I woke up in some chicks hotel room and didnt remember anything.
Let me clarify, the worst part was I didnt remember anything.

Pidgin 01-16-2003 08:53 PM


Originally posted by LaurieX
Hmmm well last year I lost my boyfriends wallet in Vegas on our last night there. And then this year I lost his $800 digital camera on our last night there Thank Gosh it turned up but needles to say it was NOT pretty hehe. The funny thing is I am a VERY responsible person :)
Next thing we will see Poppy saying
Last year someone stole my wallet and this year I found who it was and smashed their digital camera ;)

luke 01-16-2003 08:57 PM


Originally posted by Darin
Let me clarify, the worst part was I didnt remember anything.
I was about to say, waking up in some chicks hotel room doesn't sound that bad...lol.

barryf 01-16-2003 10:20 PM

We met some other Internext people at the airport and decided to split a limo to the hotel. After we checked in I realized I left my laptop in the limo!

I spent the next hour panicking and trying to call the driver and limo company. Fortunately the driver didn't even notice it when he dropped the car off and the dispatcher got it for me. They offered to deliver it so I figured the least I could do was buy a limo ride to the party that night.



pornodoggy 01-17-2003 12:32 AM

Re: The worst Vegas-related experience..

Originally posted by XXXManager
Post here the worst vegas related experience you had.. (exclude "I lost $14K at the casino" trivials ;) )

I sat on my brand new PDA (fujitsu-siemens pocket Loox) containing ALL the contacts I made during the show. Not only the screen was totally smashed and fixing it costs more than buying a new one but ALL the data was lost.
Lucky me I still had all the bizcards (good all trustworthy paper devices)

(the story had a semi-happy ending though)


I lost $14K at the casino
does NOT fall into the trivial category for me ...

Raya 01-17-2003 01:38 AM

Ouch broken PDA that's bad.

I feel better now some guy kept spilling drinks on me while we were talking at a party. I was calm I kept tilting the glass upright but for some reason he kept tilting it back. Anyhow aside from that. Only one other mishape. I left my ID in my room the last night and had to go back to get it. Sigh I never found my friend again. I kept looking but there were just to many people. Sigh!

LaurieX 01-17-2003 03:01 AM


Originally posted by XXXManager
Next thing we will see Poppy saying
Last year someone stole my wallet and this year I found who it was and smashed their digital camera ;)


And ahhh Barry you are lucky :)

Mr.Andersen 01-17-2003 08:01 AM

Must have been the 30 hour flight to vegas, and the suck ass vegs food ..

Nice meeting you man :glugglug:

Pidgin 01-17-2003 10:32 AM


Originally posted by Mr.Andersen
Must have been the 30 hour flight to vegas, and the suck ass vegs food ..
Nice meeting you man :glugglug:

Hey man - was great meeting you. Yes it was indeed a shit-long flight there and back.. And the back flight was even longer since every second minute was filled with thoughts and visions of my smashed PDA screen.
I WISH my horror story would be "someone spilled drinks on me" ;)
But I guess a guy/girl who lost $14K at the casino (or some other trivial thing like that :D ) wishes his horror story was smashing a PDA :p
As the wise funny looking man said - "I think its all relative and I can even build a full blown theory around that concept"

twinkley 01-18-2003 09:10 PM

Our first show "boothing" it, we spent a TON of money on a booth and schwag and everything. I put my SOUL into making sure everything went right...

The show goes great, everything is fine, we close up the last day....

I come back the next morning to tear down and find everything is already done! All the boxes are sitting there packed...

Wanting it make sure everything was together I open the booth crates to find a MESS. The guys who took our booth down just shoved it into the bins totally messing up the framework and graphics. To top it off they even left us with 1/2 of someone elses booth!

Needless to say I was crushed. I totally lost it in the middle of my booth (thank god only the union workers were really left by that time)

I am much more calm about these things now hehehehehe just goooo with the flow...


Oh yeah, and once....i shared a room with this girl who forgot EVERYTHING in our room hahahahaha

LadySharlot 01-20-2003 12:01 PM

Hmmm...you would think that the Vegas People in charge of tourist relations would be MORE than interested to hear that most of the "Horror Stories" concerning Vegas would be the "Transportation" area.

We call'em "Psycho Fuckin' Cabbies"!! Daylee calls the busses "The Suicide Trollys". Scare the hell outta me every single time I'm there!!!

However, our worst experiences would definitely be this last trip. We hit one of the big truck-tires on the highway on the way there and messed up our bumper, and the car started firing on only a few cylindars. You wanna talk aobut nightmare!! They just couldn't understand "needing to leave in 2 days", and "fix the car enough to get home". It's actually a LONG story, but I'll not tell it here...It's too insane! LOL

Lady Sharlot :-)

JFK 01-20-2003 02:06 PM

I had similar experience with th e fucking Cabbies, I was going to give a 1.20 tip then the meter clirked in the venetian line up! The bastard yelled after me , "you call this a tip?" I Got piseed off, and said if you dont like it give it back ! and it got worst than that, I told him to blow me etc......... I saw him in a line up next day or two, and he refused to pick me up ! Any ways the worst experience was when I tought I lost 600 odd pics off my camera during a down load. Only when I got home, and bought some recomended recovery software that I retrevied it. All trough the trip, I tought it was lost, not a very positive feeling:rolleyes:

Kenny B 01-20-2003 02:37 PM

Ah all you guys complaining about losing wallets and cameras, I lost half:-) I got married at the Jan 2000 show, then to make things worse almost got ass raped by customs on my way back into Canada for having obscene material (flyers from the show) in my luggage!

Easton 01-20-2003 02:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Tawny Ocean jumped on my cock and rode me bare-back... that's gotta take the cake for worst Vegas experience.

here's what she looked like after we blew our loads (she will look very familiar to a lot of you, which makes the whole thing even worse)

Vid Vicious 01-20-2003 04:25 PM

Great Cum Shot Pic Easton


Pidgin 01-20-2003 08:02 PM

Easton man
(Actually its not a contest but if it was ;) )

Easton 01-21-2003 12:11 AM


Originally posted by XXXManager
Easton man
(Actually its not a contest but if it was ;) )

thanks!!! do i at least win some traffic? LOL

JFK 01-21-2003 11:10 AM


Originally posted by Kenny B
Ah all you guys complaining about losing wallets and cameras, I lost half:-) I got married at the Jan 2000 show, then to make things worse almost got ass raped by customs on my way back into Canada for having obscene material (flyers from the show) in my luggage!

Thast why I never take anything back, I dont need them to look up my asshole. I just tare the urls off the fancy flyers, its not pretty but saves the hassle

Kenny B 01-21-2003 02:32 PM


Originally posted by JFK
Thast why I never take anything back, I dont need them to look up my asshole. I just tare the urls off the fancy flyers, its not pretty but saves the hassle

The customs officer that went through my stuff kept me there for over an hour, going through all the literature I had and separating what he deemed legal! Finally a supervisor came by and asked me where I had been and for what purpose, I told him I was in vegas for Internext and the AVN show, his reply “oh all the porn shows, you’re free to go!” after an hour of being searched and asked questions!!!

JFK 01-21-2003 04:25 PM


Originally posted by Kenny B
The customs officer that went through my stuff kept me there for over an hour, going through all the literature I had and separating what he deemed legal! Finally a supervisor came by and asked me where I had been and for what purpose, I told him I was in vegas for Internext and the AVN show, his reply “oh all the porn shows, you’re free to go!” after an hour of being searched and asked questions!!!
Bunch of Fucking Jerks, when I came back from Europe they had "canine officers" running up and down the isles, sniffing all the people , and the controllers yelling at the people in line to keep the line straight! It really pissed me off, but you dont want to say anything, for fear of being delayed for hours and getting your name on their computer.:shh: :mad:

barryf 01-21-2003 04:51 PM


Originally posted by Kenny B
The customs officer that went through my stuff kept me there for over an hour, going through all the literature I had and separating what he deemed legal! Finally a supervisor came by and asked me where I had been and for what purpose, I told him I was in vegas for Internext and the AVN show, his reply “oh all the porn shows, you’re free to go!” after an hour of being searched and asked questions!!!
I was searched for the first time ever by airport customs on my way back from Internext. But they were less interested in the porn I was carrying than the fact that it looked like I had packed about 2 weeks worth of luggage for a 5 day trip. What can I say... I'd rather overpack than underpack!


JConway 01-21-2003 05:51 PM

I got kicked out of a cab for farting! "You fart in my cab, you get out!!" It was actually pretty funny.

JFK 01-21-2003 07:57 PM


Originally posted by JConway
I got kicked out of a cab for farting! "You fart in my cab, you get out!!" It was actually pretty funny.
His tank must have been full........... didnt need the extra gas .......... :D

Pidgin 01-22-2003 12:01 PM

JConway: Did he ask you to pay for the portion of the drive? :D

Pidgin 01-22-2003 12:03 PM


Originally posted by Easton
thanks!!! do i at least win some traffic? LOL
Hehe. Well - I'll talk to Slim about it :cool:
Anyway - I heard TheFLY from GFY is giving away Choker's traffic ;)

JConway 01-22-2003 04:38 PM


Originally posted by XXXManager
JConway: Did he ask you to pay for the portion of the drive? :D
We had just climbed in. The funniest part is that I was so drunk that I didn't even know what was going on. I was in shock when our secretary jumped out and slammed the door and said "Fine you don't get the $20 tip we were going to give you!" I was still sitting in the back seat trying to figure out what she was pissed about.

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