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Platinum Albert 01-26-2003 10:56 PM

What was your first Webmaster Conference?
Hello All:

What was your first webmaster conference? And was one of the first webmasters you ever met?

My first Webmaster Confernece was the Phoenix Forum. Needless to say, this is where I first met my good friend Evil Chris

Dugmor 01-26-2003 10:58 PM

New Jersey Web Expo ....... I thought I was going to go meet a buch of porn stars...... turns out the place was filled with a bunch of computer geeks !

UncleD 01-27-2003 12:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Carol Cox's yearly anniversay bash about 3 years ago. The first time I seen a live orgy in a room full of people. I kept trying to find the remote to rewind the $ shot.

Kris 01-27-2003 01:21 AM

ia2000 in new orleans in may i think... kourosh and bobby r were two of the first guys i met...

erika 01-27-2003 01:22 AM

Mine was in vancouver, I still have the pics online
here they are if you wanna peek.
Vancouver 2001

DragonKing 01-27-2003 08:56 AM

oh man,
mine was the Montreal show about 4-5 years ago??
That's when I fell in love with Montreal and met Dugmor! for the first time and Jman and the Montreal crew!

Ive been to everyone since then and still nothing compares.
I had a threesome at that show, was in the same hotel the same time as Ricky Martin, one floor below, Did an awesome flashing shoot through the streets of Montreal with 6 of Dugmor!'s models.

what a time that was... dam

twinkley 01-27-2003 09:58 AM

CyberNet Expo, May 2000.

The first of the 2 N.O. shows that year.... oh my god it was crazy..... That also happens to be LightSpeed Steve's first show AND YNOTBob's first show... :)


Raya 01-27-2003 12:19 PM

The Miami show the August before last. I had an amazing time:blush: so far no show has quite compared. I was bright eyed and excited the whole time:p

Evil Chris 01-27-2003 08:57 PM

Mine was the WebExpo show in Montreal in May of 1999.
Then it was the IA2000 show in Miami the same year...

LaurieX 01-27-2003 10:10 PM

My First show was January Vegas 2000 I had no idea what I was getting myself into!!!! Hehe one of the first people I met was Steve Sweet as he pretended to lick my boob for a picture! well I guess I wasn't scared away. I am still here going strong :bonk:

barryf 01-27-2003 10:12 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Mine was the WebExpo show in Montreal in May of 1999.
Then it was the IA2000 show in Miami the same year...

Mine was also in May 1999 in Montreal!!! What a coincidence!
But wasn't that Cybernet Expo? I forget. :confused:

adamneve 01-28-2003 08:52 AM

My first and i hope for many more was last month had
a great time...


twinkley 01-28-2003 09:20 AM


I'm soooo glad we all survived your first show hahahahahaha

Funniest show experience with Laurie - running down 7 flights of stairs at 4am in miami cause the firer alarm went off! Then trying to sneak through the lobby without anyone seeing us in our PJ's and barefoot!


JFK 01-28-2003 11:04 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Mine was the WebExpo show in Montreal in May of 1999.
Then it was the IA2000 show in Miami the same year...

He he he........ Same here, they both Fucking Rocked :D

JFK 01-28-2003 11:06 AM


Originally posted by barryf
Mine was also in May 1999 in Montreal!!! What a coincidence!
But wasn't that Cybernet Expo? I forget. :confused:

You have it sort of right,it was run By Dave who runs Cybernet, but at the time it was called Webexpo .

FNPSteve 01-28-2003 11:09 AM

Mine was January Vegas 2001. It kicked ass!

Vid Vicious 01-28-2003 11:55 AM


Originally posted by UncleD
Carol Cox's yearly anniversay bash about 3 years ago. The first time I seen a live orgy in a room full of people. I kept trying to find the remote to rewind the $ shot.
Same as that Tattoo guy .. LOL

Only diff is, I was shooting the orgy ...

LAJeff 01-28-2003 12:00 PM


Originally posted by DragonKing
oh man,
mine was the Montreal show about 4-5 years ago??

I sure hope you are not leaving out the "Grand Prix"? :)

poppy 01-28-2003 04:02 PM

IA2000 Vegas baby!

MarkTiarra 01-28-2003 11:48 PM

Orlando. I don't remember who I met first but I do recall sitting with Carol Cox in the lobby while she spoke about a new photoshoot and watching the poor elderly couple not 10 feet away horrified by the context of our discussion. =]

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 01-29-2003 07:41 AM


Originally posted by MarkTiarra
watching the poor elderly couple not 10 feet away horrified by the context of our discussion. =]
Hahahah !
Happens to Vid and I all the time ... remember those young girls @ Thursdays sweetums ?!?

Problem is both his and my voice carry well, so even when we are not trying to be heard ... :rolleyes: :cool: :D

Clark 01-30-2003 01:17 PM

Help...I can't remember which was first...
Orlando(??), Montreal(99) or that Webmaster Cruise(99?) to the Bahamas...anyone, Bueller? :confused:

I met Evil Chris, Dugmor and DragonKing in Montreal
CCBill founders, Pornication Lee, Diamond Jim and Carol Cox on the cruise...and all I remember about Orlando is that it was freakin humid.

Jeff N 01-30-2003 02:27 PM

IA2000 1999- Miami, Fl. I was brand spanking new. 2 1/2 weeeks in the industry. The big topic was DMR. Didn't know a whole lot about them at the time..ask Conner Young. The cruise ship was a lot of fun even though I lost my shirt on the black jack tables. I met the Sweets, Evil Chris, Dugmor, Conner, Mia and Ashok for the first time. Great show.. Dugmor even asked me if I wanted to be a prop for one of his girls :) . I kindly declined but it was tempting. Anyways, it has been a fun ride with CCBill and great meeting a lot of good people along the way.

tara 01-30-2003 02:47 PM

Mine was Internext in August 2002. :)

pornodoggy 01-30-2003 02:53 PM

I haven't made it to one yet - I'm hoping to make Internext in August, but I'm still not sure yet.

LAJ 01-30-2003 07:27 PM

IA2000 New Orleans!!

Shit... I can't even remember who I met back then?! I worked for Sextracker at the time... knew YNOTBob already... met several of the YNOT and The Adult Webmaster crew...

twinkley 01-31-2003 11:33 AM

Okay LAJ... pop quiz...

Do you remember walking down Bourbon street after the party at Ricks completely toasted, and stopping for the biggest fufcking hurricanes I had ever seen??? We could barely stand up straight and there we are ordering these like 70oz hurricanes each....

It still amazes me we ever found the natnet suite .... I know there was someone else with us that night, but for the life of me dont remember who!

Hahahahaha memories.....


shawcutie 01-31-2003 12:16 PM

West Coast Webmasters in Vancouver last year, like July or August.

Cyndalie 01-31-2003 12:25 PM

My first show was in Miami October 1999 (IA2000) :)

LAJ 01-31-2003 12:27 PM

Yup! Sure do Twinkley :)

Kristin 01-31-2003 01:20 PM

Westcoast Webmaster Conference in Vancouver this past July. :D

Evil Chris 01-31-2003 02:07 PM

At my first show (WebExpo in Montreal, May of 99) I remember meeting a lot of people for the first time...

Pornication Lee (and that whole team)
Aly Drummond (and everyone from Python at that time)
Mike Fold
Doug Walley
Jon Silverstein
Joe Elkind
Big Scotty (RIP)
Sweet T and LBBV
Jonathan Lieberman (now Focalex)

there are so many others...
But I didn't meet the CCBill gang until Miami... :D

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