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Have you ever been in a fight?
Like punches thrown and shit?
How did it start? Did you get hurt? Did you run like a little sissie like I would? Who won? |
Been in quite a few in my youth. I have a pretty bad temper, but I'm able to control it for the most part nowadays.
They're been no fatalities in any of my fights (thank god), but I did shatter this one guy Steve's kneecap in grade 5 (walks with a limp to this day), and broken another dudes arm. |
No, very close, but never. I find that chicks fighting is "trashy" is it just me? Or it's hilarious when they can't throw a decent punch! :laughout:
very close as a kid - but I always got out of fights by humor. One such time as boys do, we start calling each other names. He started off by saying, "my dad could beat the shit out of your dad"..my reply.. "and just how much would that favor cost?".
the guys laughed so loud that we soon became friends after that. there is never a need to fight, unless protecting the reputation of a woman. |
More than I can even remember. I owned a private detective/security agency for 17 years.
I broke my ankle, broke several bones in my hand, was cut a couple of times, and was shot at a few times. |
The last fight I was in was at a club about 2 months ago. This one guy kept trying to grope my friend & literally wouldnt let her move (he had her pressed against the wall and holding her hands back) So once I noticed this I went over and continued to beat the shit out of him. I Don't take kindly to any woman abusers. But before that I wasn't really in any "real" fights" unless you count the ones in grade school lol
In my teens sure....
Eventually you grow up and understand that physically hurting someone doesn't solve the problem in most cases. As examples: If your girlfriend is luring guys to hit on her in a club it isn't the guys that are the problem.... you need a new girlfriend. If your friend likes to get drunk and start shit with people, you aren't being a good friend by having his back all the time, you are being a good friend when you tell him to drink less and be a dick less often... If someone calls you a name, the nastier it is the more enjoyable a witty response to it can be. Hitting someone for ragging on you just goes to show you lack the mental acuity to respond with wit. Don't get me wrong, there are times that whipping someone's ass is the right thing to do, but as you get older you see more and more how often it can be avoided and how well things can be resolved without it. You also find out that beating the hell out of someone is definitely not the most hurtful thing you can do to them in most cases. |
I must admit that when I was a kid, I got into a few fights but they were all just me defending myself or saying enough to those who would try to bully me. It didn't take very long before nobody bothered me anymore.
Got that right. I love beating the shit out of small children and teacup sized dogs. |
when i was still a kid.but the latest i've been into was about 3 years ago, no physical grappling whatsoever but it was with men..verbal fight...kinda immature haha
question!: ever apologized to the other party?
Nope. Never got into a fist fight or cat fights. I'm really easy going so it takes quite a bit for me to get to a point where I'd physically hurt someone.
I have been in a fist fight with a girl at the after prom party. But I was drunk and don't remember much. Just neither of us came out well. I forget it all now. Kept that we were bleeding quite well.
I used to (and still do) wrestle. I quite enjoy a serious wrestling match with both women and men. I have one amazing girlfriend that I am very close with and we love to wrestle when we can. She used to be a champion offsa wrestler so she always tends to win... since she quite 2 years ago she's been getting soft though, so I've been getting the upper hand. She's a firefighter and has some cop & parametic training. I swear if I wasn't with Rob we'd be getting hitched! |
Most of the time its much more rewarding to beat on someone with your words rather then your fists. Takes more wit and intelligence |
I was attacked repeatedly as a young child with no Father and no older brothers.
After 28 years of Boxing, Karate, Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do, Judo, and Ninjitsu I learned how to avoid fights, how to defend myself without hurting someone, or minimise it if they are out of control. I have been stabbed, shot at, hit from behind with baseball bats, iron bars etc. Bow down to no one, and allow no one to bow down to you. :) Don't be a rock ... be like water. Like Bruce Lee said; "You put water into a cup, it become the cup. You put water into a glass, it becomes the glass. Water can flow or it can crash, be like water my friend. " Look for the best in people and life and you will find it., also be prepared for anything. Had to stop a couple of bikers caving my friend's temple in against the stair railing in a night club. 2 fuckers were holding his temple against the steel rail while the kicker had lined his temple up with his steel cap boots. I turned the corner of the stairway just to see the kick had left ... and thank the Gods of divine intervention that I was totally focused on stopping that foot ...turned it upside down and clicked it until it was totally leveraged and decided not to break his foot and his leg.... my friend was covered in blood (whiteshirt) from a cut lip which looked much worse .... we didn't know these fuckers or want to know them and I guess after the pain and the embarrassment that they didn't want to know us either. Avoid violence at all costs yet defend yourself and those who can't with love and respect for all life. I am grateful for all who have attacked me and ridiculed me because every person who did this has helped strengthen my resolve and help me learn to forgive and understand that if I was not there then they would have eventually found someone else to vent on because it's about them not me. It's always how we are feeling about ourself. Love yourself and love life :) |
not since highschool when I was fairly good at it.
Now I'm a lover, not a fighter. but of course, I still *could* ;) |
load of times ;) 2 days ago last time ;)
So I guess I'm the only one that just runs away? hahaha :)
I worked in some rough bars in my 20's.. so yeah I had my turn of knock down blow outs. Always defensive action though.. I was'nt big on starting shit.
The best was a 15 on 20 bar brawl.. the staff (15) Vs. redneck road workers (20) it was like the movies.. darts were being thrown, pool balls, chairs over backs, seemed to go on for ever. It ended when one of the road workers had his head smashed into the shooter bar and split him open like a coconut. everyone decided that was enough. Next night at work we all had cuts and bruises swollen knuckles.. LOL pretty bunch. |
Last fight was 3 weeks ago.
In a cage, fighting MMA. http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...nthonyGnP2.gif I lost. |
lots of fights, been beat-up, but not too bad, and done my fair share of beating. used to do it in training, and other times in street-fights/bars mainly.
Ouch :( You'll get him next time! |
I've never found a reason to actually fight with somebody. It's always better to know how to avoid the situation in the first place. Closest I've ever come was many years ago when I was working as a garage valet on the weekend late shift... caught some guy trying to open our cash register... we grappled for a bit while he was trying like heck to get away and I was trying like heck to get some help... he finally got away, but the cops got him from my description.
Past that defending female friends, girlfriends and my wife... if somebody is doing something to them that they should not be, I've never found it necessary to fight with anyone, but I've been able to quietly convince them that their actions were not appropriate. Bending somebodies joints the wrong way can be an effective deterrent. :laughout: |
Had a few here and there.
But the most violence I ever faced was playing football for 11 years, it can be far more vicious then most street fights. |
I'm still waiting to throw down Beckie. She pussed out last internext.
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