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-   -   Xnations get together September 20th (Funbrunette's B-day bash) (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=19307)

Evil Chris 09-09-2007 11:54 AM

Xnations get together September 20th (Funbrunette's B-day bash)
When: Thursday September 20th at 6:30PM

Where: Kaizen Sushi Bar & Restaurant (Metro Atwater)
4075, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Westmount

Why: Funbrunette's birthday and a perfect excuse to have drinks
and good food with friends.

RSVP: ASAP as we need to make reservations! Confirm right here in this thread!

Terrence 09-09-2007 12:27 PM

This sounds like so much fun I will not make any promises but I will try to be there.


Harley Girl 09-09-2007 12:49 PM

sounds like a great time, i'm sorry we won't be able to make it ...

painful 09-09-2007 01:13 PM

I wish I could make it, but I live in Vegas. Hey, maybe you should move the party to Vegas!

Roger MGC 09-09-2007 01:20 PM

I will be there

RyuLion 09-09-2007 02:48 PM

Sounds like fun but where's Westmount? I'm in Sacramento..lol
Damn..when was the last time I was here..

Panky 09-09-2007 07:00 PM

Sounds like fun! Count me in! :D

TastyDollars Ray 09-09-2007 08:02 PM

Sounds like fun. Im 90% in :)

gabrio 09-10-2007 02:51 AM

too bad im too far! ;-) have fun guys!

Porn Girl 09-10-2007 10:26 AM

I will definitely try to make it:)

Ramos 09-10-2007 10:44 AM

Have a Happy Birthday, eat some sea urchin for me. ;)

Evil Chris 09-10-2007 10:45 AM

The Kobe beef dumplings are incredible! ;)

LAJ 09-10-2007 11:38 AM

With regrets I won't be able to make it up there.

Have fun, folks...

Kenny B 09-10-2007 12:21 PM

My birthday is on the 14th, a week early for this but hey what's a few days! I'll be there!

Janell 09-10-2007 02:08 PM

Our birthdays are just a few days apart!

Evil E 09-10-2007 02:16 PM

I can't make it unfortunately. Next time!

qwebecexpo 09-11-2007 10:30 AM

he Count me in @ 90%... Patty, depending on her schedule, 75% :)

Kenny B 09-11-2007 11:10 AM

I just realized i have tickets to see the Beastie Boys on Sept 20 at 7:30, I can try to either pop in before the show or after!

Funbrunette 09-11-2007 04:51 PM

Damn Beastie Boys...lol Ok I've changed the reservation to 5:30PM this way everyone can be there with no excuses :laughout:

Hope to see you there!

FB :heart:

gary elitedollars 09-12-2007 08:24 AM

sure sounds like fun..wish I lived closer to the 514 area...happy birthday wishes to FB - have a blast...I'm sure I don't need to tell you that ;-)

Vid Vicious 09-12-2007 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Panky (Post 131744)
Sounds like fun! Count me in! :D

is your bf plannin on goin? if so I'll be attending the beatsie boys with kenny

Sorry but my feelings towards him have not changed ...

Funbrunette 09-12-2007 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 131932)
is your bf plannin on goin? if so I'll be attending the beatsie boys with kenny

Sorry but my feelings towards him have not changed ...

Can we PLEASE not do this in my fun birthday thread! Come on!!!

Funbrunette 09-12-2007 07:16 PM

Ok so after talking to a few peeps...Were going to cancel it...It's not a good day with the Beastie Boys in town and we leave Friday morning with Ryan to Tremblant for the weekend...We will reschedule at a later date when we can all be there. We are due for another Xnations gathering anyway!

I'll just end up doing a get together with a few girlfriends...Hehehehhe!


FB :heart:

Terrence 09-13-2007 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 131932)
is your bf plannin on goin? if so I'll be attending the beatsie boys with kenny

Sorry but my feelings towards him have not changed ...

Not very appropriate what ever you problems are


I am sure you will have a good fun night with your friends FB

lazzlo 09-15-2007 08:23 AM

you buy i'll fly!

stonegatherer 09-16-2007 08:34 PM

Sorry, but the best day in September for a birthday is the 18th.

Stinger 09-18-2007 10:46 AM

Hey !

Just want to be zillion % sure it's off cause I would trow Myself off the Cartier Bridge if I miss this one on thursday.... Even if I am going the the BB concert ;)

Kenny B 09-18-2007 12:08 PM

Let me know when you reschedule!

JFK 09-18-2007 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 131955)
Ok so after talking to a few peeps...Were going to cancel it...It's not a good day with the Beastie Boys in town and we leave Friday morning with Ryan to Tremblant for the weekend...We will reschedule at a later date when we can all be there. We are due for another Xnations gathering anyway!

I'll just end up doing a get together with a few girlfriends...Hehehehhe!


FB :heart:

lets us know when it will be rescheduled for .............

stonegatherer 09-18-2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 131955)
Ok so after talking to a few peeps...Were going to cancel it...It's not a good day with the Beastie Boys in town and we leave Friday morning with Ryan to Tremblant for the weekend...We will reschedule at a later date when we can all be there. We are due for another Xnations gathering anyway!

I'll just end up doing a get together with a few girlfriends...Hehehehhe!


FB :heart:

Can JFK take pictures for all of us FB?

Quagmire 09-18-2007 08:34 PM

I am in town Oct 5th to the 8th.

Funbrunette 09-18-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Quagmire (Post 132306)
I am in town Oct 5th to the 8th.

Well you and I are going to have to get together Mon ami! I can't wait...I'm really busy juggling a few projects at once so I may be hard to get a hold of on ICQ, but let's make a point to have a little "5 a 7" while you're here.

In terms of my Birthday Bash I'll keep you updated on the new date, but it'll probably just be an Xnations theme dinner/Happy hour. I'm going out of town for my birthday and I was told to "expect the unexpected" from my close friends... :laughout: SCARY! lol

Greg B 09-18-2007 11:27 PM

What country or what state is this being held in?

Bear with my ignorance, I've been drawing cartoons all night and day.

qwebecexpo 09-19-2007 10:00 AM

He FB. Foryunatelly I checked back here cause I was going to get to Montreal for it...

Can I suggest your re-schedule will be for a Friday Night? That would make it easier for Patty to attend :)

See ya soon Honey :heart: :heart: :heart:

Stephane76 09-19-2007 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 131932)
is your bf plannin on goin? if so I'll be attending the beatsie boys with kenny

Sorry but my feelings towards him have not changed ...

well if he s going i am not coming, jk!

i am waiting for my plane ticket...chris, u sent it yet? caca told me you will...

Quagmire 09-19-2007 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 132320)
Well you and I are going to have to get together Mon ami! I can't wait...I'm really busy juggling a few projects at once so I may be hard to get a hold of on ICQ, but let's make a point to have a little "5 a 7" while you're here.

In terms of my Birthday Bash I'll keep you updated on the new date, but it'll probably just be an Xnations theme dinner/Happy hour. I'm going out of town for my birthday and I was told to "expect the unexpected" from my close friends... :laughout: SCARY! lol

If you get a chance can you pop on ICQ and give me the best number to reach you at? Have you changed cell phone numbers recently at all, or is the one I have still valid?

I will be mostly up north in the St Jerome area, but I have no problem coming down to the city for a visit. :)

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