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Dwreck 03-05-2003 02:35 PM

Your Favorite Website non adult! :) What's Yours?
Good Afternoon Xnations,

I sure spend alot of time on the computer and I was wodering what yoru favorite sites are to visit. I tend to gravitate towards the same one and Im looking at expanding my knowledge.

Im a huge movie goer and I love www.internetmoviedatabase.com. I can find anything about any movie and I enjoy the usefull facts the site provides.

I love hardrock music as well so for all my latest music news I go to theprp.com and Mtv2.com.

I would like to know the url of the sites you enjoy as well as a good map finder and a one where I can get cheap flights.

I look forward to hearing from you.

wsjb78 03-05-2003 05:03 PM

Hmmm, I love www.digitalblasphemy.com .... maybe I should buy a membership there...

Evil Chris 03-05-2003 05:13 PM

I actually use YAHOO a lot.
I have an email there, I play the games (Pool is fun), and I have a bunch of sports pools that I play too.

I also like www.allmusic.com . It's the perfect companion when downloading mp3s from Kazaa... ::-|

Panky 03-05-2003 06:42 PM

There's non-adult websites out there? :bonk:

I use Google a lot.

I'm not one to visit news sites like CNN. I do like music sites, but haven't downloaded MP3's since I whiped my hard drive clean. I don't really have a "favorites".

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Easton 03-05-2003 07:16 PM


Hashishan 03-05-2003 07:29 PM


Dwreck 03-07-2003 01:14 AM

Cool thanks for the updates!!

Im more of a yahoo person myslef.!!

Easton I checked out that site. WOW!! I wasn't expecting that from you. I'm a lil schocked to say the least.

All music is wicked thanks Chris!! I loved the info I just spent the last hour on it ! LOL

Hashishan I was on the site and I was a lil confused to say the least.

Come on only 5 reply get with it guys!!

CumSensei 03-07-2003 10:07 AM

Thehun.net....I dont surf non porn sites :D

LadySharlot 03-07-2003 10:56 AM

Hands Down, the most non-adult site visited is "Google".

I hate surfing--and they help me cut my surf-time-short. :D THANKS GOOGLE!! :D

Lady Sharlot :-)

HeadPimp 03-07-2003 11:22 AM

I can usually be found at Pogo.com when I am letting my computer process things.. The rest of the time I just work....

Special_K 03-07-2003 02:02 PM

Well semi-adult I like nerve.com
Non-adult I like design sites like k10k.net

GrimShawn 03-07-2003 02:19 PM

I'd go with google. I use that like mad. I also go to ticketmaster a lot to buy tickets to shows.

Hmm let's see and prolly thesportingnews.com as well. Keepin up on the sports and shit!

dyonisus 03-07-2003 02:28 PM

I surf personal interest sites like the ones belonging to bands I like (www.enjoyincubus.com, www.audioslave.com, etc) and wakeboard and surfing sites..

heavenlyhardcore 03-08-2003 03:29 AM

Hands Down: http://www.ihateclowns.com/slapmime.php

Sharpie 03-08-2003 11:24 AM

I don't surf a lot, but my favorites are probably Ebay and Orbitz.

I am kind a hooked on a few of these games to pass time once in a while when I am waiting for email responses.

Dwreck 03-11-2003 03:22 PM

Lady Sharot great to see ya!! How's Spider and the rest of the rest of the staff at Fethis brokers? I need to ask you a question can you please add me to icq please. I think do have already!!

Head pimp- pogo looks good! If you like games you should get a demo
of xamo adult games. They are my personal favorite.

Kalan- I checked out the nerve! Wicked site! Thank Brent for putting up our button on your site!! YOU guys rock!!

What's the difference between yahoo and google? I dont know Grimshaw.

dyonisus- You have great taste in music. I love incubus second album science. Rage is awesome and Soundgarden kicks ass I cant seem to like audio slave thou!! hehe

heavenlyhardcore that site is awesome I want one of those shirts almost as band as I want an xnations one.

keep them coming this is Fun!!

Bree 03-11-2003 03:52 PM

I like Google.. i have a google searchbar on my browser...

I like www.coolhomepages.com for design inspiration...

I have a bunch of Photoshop links if ya want me to post 'em...I mean a serious list...

RobBuxxx 03-11-2003 06:21 PM


Originally posted by Panky
There's non-adult websites out there? :bonk:

I use Google a lot.

I'm not one to visit news sites like CNN. I do like music sites, but haven't downloaded MP3's since I whiped my hard drive clean. I don't really have a "favorites".

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

me too...the newssites msnbc cnn and foxnews are all i really have time for outside of work

DragonKing 03-11-2003 08:16 PM


love this site!

Dwreck 03-12-2003 09:20 PM

Hey Dragon King it's been awhile. I loved that site. KEWL!! What ever happened to dragon dollars?

Vid Vicious 03-12-2003 10:20 PM

I usual fall off a game site after a few plays .. so I mostly us the net to better myself, my skills and my knoweldge ... http://www.tvcameramen.com/ Is one of my fav .. I contribute to it every once inwhile .. http://www.playbackmag.com/ .. I like to know hwat productions are in my country .. who's doing what , I also get the paper version delivered ...

when I just want to do somehting fun and for myself I update my 5 month old nefew's webpage ...

Dwreck 03-13-2003 02:39 PM

Vid you are very diverse and edcated person. I look forward to meeting you in person.

Nice to have guys like you in the industry.

Dwreck 03-13-2003 02:40 PM

Vid you are very diverse and edcated person. I look forward to meeting you in person.

Nice to have guys like you in the industry.

twinkley 03-13-2003 03:55 PM


hell ya


Dwreck 03-13-2003 06:41 PM

I"ll be book marking that one Twinkley! NICE NICE!:D

webgurl 03-13-2003 11:04 PM


You have to have ur speakers on .... Don't worry its not a trick nothing freaky is gonna pop up but u got to listen to it..... soooo WEIRD .....

Dwreck 03-14-2003 02:01 AM


Originally posted by webgurl

You have to have ur speakers on .... Don't worry its not a trick nothing freaky is gonna pop up but u got to listen to it..... soooo WEIRD .....


Vid Vicious 03-14-2003 03:20 AM

thank you derek ... twice :)

Yah I m lookin forward to meeting the content guy crew

Kath 03-14-2003 12:01 PM

I'm still hooked on Shockwave.com.

Dwreck 03-14-2003 01:31 PM


Originally posted by Kath
I'm still hooked on Shockwave.com.
KATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Great to hear from you. How's goes the new gig? I saw you interview on YNOT (opps am I allowed to say that) great stuff!!

twinkley 03-14-2003 01:58 PM

Hey Derek

This isnt like some of those "other boards" where you cant talk about other boards/resources

XNations loves everyone!!



Rox 03-15-2003 12:29 PM

I use Google and IMDB.com every single day, and I find it entertaining to argue with people on the Yahoo! News message boards kinda frequently. :evil:

Net Slaves is a new favorite, along with Fuck That Job .

And since I spend a minimum of 8 hours every day doing one thing or another updating it, I spend most of my time looking at Warner Bros. and its many subsites. :bonk:

For educational purposes (it's never a bad thing to make oneself more valuable while toiling away in the corporate world, where NO ONE is indispensible), I'm loving Ripple Training. God knows video's the closest I'll ever come to having any artistic talent in the visual sense. Hahahaha!

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