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Evil Chris 02-12-2009 10:20 AM

Give me 3
Three things.

Here's how it works. Name three things that the person above you just asked for, and then you can ask for 3 things.

I'll start by naming three different cities I have lived in.

1. Toronto
2. Montreal
3. Lahr, Germany

Now someone name me the last 3 movies you've watched.

Visualad 02-12-2009 10:40 AM

1. Lars and the real girl
2. battle in seattle
3. bangkok dangerous

Now someone name me the last 3 DIFFIRENT types of sex toys you used

Cyndalie 02-12-2009 10:46 AM

OH geeze

1. pocket rocket
2. butterfly
3. double ender

Name three things of yours that you've sold independantly.

Vid Vicious 02-12-2009 11:26 AM

1. Mustang
2. steadicam
3. lenses

name 3 public/private events you ve been to

12ClicksMichele 02-12-2009 11:29 AM

1. Hot Movies Party
2. Atlanta Forum
3. Wedding for 400.

Name 3 good deeds done without any expectation of returned favor

Visualad 02-12-2009 12:15 PM

1. Gave a girl an orgasm.
2. Donated money to the WWF.
3. Gave the girl a 2nd orgasm.

Name your 3 favourite sexual positions. (female answer only)


You can also help out here: WWF

Evil Chris 02-12-2009 01:16 PM

BZZZZZ.... wrong. You can't specify lady's only.

1. Doggie
2. Missionary
3. Banana Split

OK... now name 3 people you'd love to meet in person.

Cyndalie 02-12-2009 02:04 PM

Name 3 people you'd love to meet in person:

Johnny Depp
President Obama
Orson Scott Card

Name 3 games you played alot as a kid:

12ClicksMichele 02-12-2009 02:11 PM

1. Horse
2. Red Rover
3. 500 Rummy (with my Grandmom)

Johnny Depp would have been my #1 pick too. I love him.

3 things you will never be able to understand

Evil Chris 02-12-2009 02:34 PM

1. Rubick's Cube :)
2. E=MC2
3. Hate

How about naming three things you can't live without?

FortressDewey 02-12-2009 05:25 PM

1 pursuit of knowledge
2 my son
3 Daily maintenance of spiritual condition

Name first 3 cars

lulu 02-12-2009 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by FortressDewey (Post 153738)
1 pursuit of knowledge
2 my son
3 Daily maintenance of spiritual condition

Name first 3 cars

1 honda civic
2 toyota corolla
2 ferrari

Name 3 of your favorite foods

Evil Chris 02-12-2009 09:37 PM

1. Spaghetti and meatballs
2. Steak on the BBQ
3. Pizza

Give me 3 favourite vacation destinations.

lulu 02-12-2009 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 153746)
1. Spaghetti and meatballs
2. Steak on the BBQ
3. Pizza

Give me 3 favourite vacation destinations.

1. south of france
2. barcelona
3. long beach, BC

Give me 3 things you would of liked to say to someone

Stinger 02-13-2009 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by lulu (Post 153753)
1. south of france
2. barcelona
3. long beach, BC

Give me 3 things you would of liked to say to someone

I forgive you and miss you ( to my mom who passed away a year ago !)

I am sorry for not being there ( to my sister during the hillness of my mother)

I miss you more then anything in the world ( to my kids I can't see or talk anymore... Cause of what I do for a living ... )

What are you 3 favorite music Bands ???

Vid Vicious 02-13-2009 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Stinger (Post 153757)
I forgive you and miss you ( to my mom who passed away a year ago !)

I am sorry for not being there ( to my sister during the hillness of my mother)

I miss you more then anything in the world ( to my kids I can't see or talk anymore... Cause of what I do for a living ... )

What are you 3 favorite music Bands ???

1. Areosmith
2. Lenny Kravitz
3. Pink Floyd

name three things we can find your Car's glove compartment

lulu 02-13-2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Stinger (Post 153757)
I forgive you and miss you ( to my mom who passed away a year ago !)

I am sorry for not being there ( to my sister during the hillness of my mother)

I miss you more then anything in the world ( to my kids I can't see or talk anymore... Cause of what I do for a living ... )

sorry had to say something... i'm so sorry babe.

lulu 02-13-2009 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153759)
1. Areosmith
2. Lenny Kravitz
3. Pink Floyd

name three things we can find your Car's glove compartment

1. registration
2. a bottle of whiskey
3. cocaine

ya, i'm so hard core. :cackle:

name 3 favorite sports to play or watch

DrChango 02-13-2009 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by lulu (Post 153766)
1. registration
2. a bottle of whiskey
3. cocaine

ya, i'm so hard core. :cackle:

name 3 favorite sports to play or watch

1. MMA (both)
2. Air Hockey (play)
3. Dodgeball (both)

DrChango 02-13-2009 12:17 PM


last three books you read for fun!

Cyndalie 02-13-2009 01:29 PM

1. Ender in Exile
2. Enders Game
3. Xenocide

3 Requirements for anyone you date.

Evil Chris 02-13-2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 153774)
3 Requirements for anyone you date.

Oh ... well I have to go back to high school days to remember this...

1. She has to be pretty
2. I have to own a car
3. I have to have the time to see her

Give me 3 events where you remember where you were and what you were doing when it happened.

DrChango 02-13-2009 02:59 PM

1. 9/11, working at a call center, watching the news on a TV we rolled in from the break room
2. Fall of the Berlin Wall, watching a broadcast on AFN on Rhein-Main AFB outside of Frankfurt, Germany
3. Bush's re-election, a house-party north of the U of A campus

three foods you abhor

Panky 02-13-2009 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by DrChango (Post 153778)
three foods you abhor

1. Pig stomach
2. Brussel Sprouts
3. Liver

What were your 3 favorite things to do as a child?

Evil Chris 02-13-2009 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Panky (Post 153782)
What were your 3 favorite things to do as a child?

1. Going to Crystal Beach
2. Camping with family
3. trips to Niagara Falls

Give me 3 places you want to visit before you die.

lulu 02-15-2009 06:08 PM

[quote=Cyndalie;153774]1. Ender in Exile
2. Enders Game
3. Xenocide

i freaking loved that series. i really liked xenocide. :)



Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 153783)
1. Going to Crystal Beach
2. Camping with family
3. trips to Niagara Falls

Give me 3 places you want to visit before you die.

1. tuscany
2. bora bora
3. pyramids in egypt

Give me three names you love for a girl

Xrated J 02-15-2009 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 153774)
1. Ender in Exile
2. Enders Game
3. Xenocide

i freaking loved that series. i really liked xenocide. :)


1. tuscany
2. bora bora
3. pyramids in egypt

Give me three names you love for a girl

1. Lindsey
2. Ariana
3. Kelly

3 of the worst pick up lines you've ever heard

TheLegacy 02-15-2009 11:51 PM

1) I lost my number can I borrow yours?
2) Lets go back to my place and do things that I'll tell my friends we did anyways
3) My face in leaving in 15min's - be on it

List 3 way to get a pornstar to fuck you at a convention

Xrated J 02-16-2009 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy (Post 153843)
1) I lost my number can I borrow yours?
2) Lets go back to my place and do things that I'll tell my friends we did anyways
3) My face in leaving in 15min's - be on it

List 3 way to get a pornstar to fuck you at a convention


1. Have weed.
2. Have coke.
3. Just ask. (this does work ;) )

what are your 3 favorite alcoholic drinks

Cyndalie 02-16-2009 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Xrated J (Post 153847)

what are your 3 favorite alcoholic drinks

Captain & Coke
Goose & Redbull

Name 3 people in adult you have known, who have since disappeared:

Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 153776)
Oh ... well I have to go back to high school days to remember this...

1. She has to be pretty
2. I have to own a car
3. I have to have the time to see her

Give me 3 events where you remember where you were and what you were doing when it happened.

you forgot BIG TITS ..do i know my ec or what

Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 153855)
Captain & Coke
Goose & Redbull

Name 3 people in adult you have known, who have since disappeared:

1. Sean/bulldog - died
2. G-d/Hungryman - also dead
3. Good Chris - Drunk in a basement somewhere :scram:

Name 3 of your fav sex positions

Crak_JMan 02-16-2009 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 153855)
Captain & Coke
Goose & Redbull

Name 3 people in adult you have known, who have since disappeared:


Name 3 songs frmo Celine Dion

Crak_JMan 02-16-2009 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153870)
1. Sean/bulldog - died
2. G-d/Hungryman - also dead
3. Good Chris - Drunk in a basement somewhere :scram:

Name 3 of your fav sex positions

You broke the chain vid... Next :laughout:

Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by JMan (Post 153872)
You broke the chain vid... Next :laughout:

how did I break the chain if I answered before you .. looks like you broke it ...

BTW Grimshawn was a name i was looking for ! .. LOL

LocalG hasn't disapeared I still talk to him every month, he's running a great Fishing & tackle Site.

and JoeE is behind bars .. :P

Visualad 02-16-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153875)
how did I break the chain if I answered before you .. looks like you broke it ...

BTW Grimshawn was a name i was looking for ! .. LOL

LocalG hasn't disapeared I still talk to him every month, he's running a great Fishing & tackle Site.

and JoeE is behind bars .. :P

wtf.. I already asked about sex positions..WTF you doing mofo?!?! :duel:

Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 11:44 AM

all right, alright .. so I busted the Thread .. WTF .. why wasn't the mod moderating this thread! .. LOL

wtf u asking about sex for .. you gots to have it to talk about it .. seems to me your more in a position to asking about tanning ...

Ummm ..oh yah , thanks Jman !

Crak_JMan 02-16-2009 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153875)
how did I break the chain if I answered before you .. looks like you broke it ...

BTW Grimshawn was a name i was looking for ! .. LOL

LocalG hasn't disapeared I still talk to him every month, he's running a great Fishing & tackle Site.

and JoeE is behind bars .. :P

I don't think fish and tackle site are considered adult ;-)

Are you sure JoeE is behind bars, where did you read or get that information?

Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 05:49 PM

don't rememebr where i read that ... and umm .. well I did shoot some content for the fish and tackle site .. girls in Bikini's ... and an ad with a naked girl gettting fucked while the guy is reading the website on his laptop .. You don't see much of the girl other then her ass crack .. LOL .. it's kinda pornish

Evil Chris 02-16-2009 10:15 PM

ok you guys.... the thread is broken, let's fix it! ;)

GIVE ME 3 of your favourite guitar players.

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