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luke 09-18-2002 10:15 PM

Any Soprano Freaks?
Finally Soprano's is back. Anyone see it? I thought it was a good start for the season. Someone got capped, that's always good. :D

modF 09-18-2002 10:27 PM

I don't consider myself a freak. But If you think that making sure no matter what I am doing on Sunday night being anal about getting in front of the TV by 8 is a freak..... :)

luke 09-18-2002 10:38 PM

That works for me! Who do you think is going to turn on Tony? I think Paulie but one of my friends thinks its going to be Silvio. hhmmm

gunner 09-18-2002 11:19 PM

was a good show, but I don't like how they're making it pretty obvious this is going to be the last season. The money problems, feds closing in, the trial. Could have been a little less predictable.

Hey, I'll still tune in every week though, ya know what I'm saying...Fugetahbouit

luke 09-18-2002 11:25 PM

From what I thought, this was going to be the second to last season...didn't they shoot 2?

Chauncy 09-18-2002 11:44 PM

I am a Sopranos Freak and yes it is the second to last season I heard an interview with Meadow the other day and she said the rumor around the set is that the last ever episode is going to be a feature film

firehorse 09-19-2002 11:04 AM

My wife and I hardly watch any TV.

We watch some selected cable, documentaries, & the odd movie.

We watch a few videos.

We do watch the Sopranos. The Sopranos Rock!!!!!!!!!!:D

Funbrunette 09-19-2002 11:08 AM

I've tried to watch it a few times, but I just can't seem to get into it! Perhaps I should give it another shot....:rolleyes:

luke 09-19-2002 11:30 AM

I think the Soprano's is one of the best shows on tv in a while. I've always liked mafia movie, I guess that's why I like this too. I'm kind of glad they are only doing 2 more seasons so it doesn't get stale and they run it into the ground.

modF 09-19-2002 01:31 PM

I predict big problems with Chris.

Paulie is going to be very on the fence for most of this season.

I am looking foward to this week when Medow calls her dad a mob boss ;)

I had heard that they taped 3 seasons.

Tafkap 09-19-2002 02:26 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
I've tried to watch it a few times, but I just can't seem to get into it! Perhaps I should give it another shot....:rolleyes:
Feel the same way...

i'm more into "That 70's Show", "The Drew Carey Show", "6 Feet Under" and "Scrubs" shows...

Tobbe 09-19-2002 02:29 PM

what is Soprano :confused: :confused:

Tafkap 09-19-2002 04:27 PM


Originally posted by Tobbe
what is Soprano :confused: :confused:
Here's a clue :



Rox 09-19-2002 05:23 PM

I subscribe to HBO for two reasons: The Sopranos and Six Feet Under! I absolutely love both shows.

Chris' drug habit is going to become a problem for Tony, that's for sure. I wouldn't put it past Ralphie, however, to be the turncoat. In any case, it'll be great to watch!


Feel the same way...

i'm more into "That 70's Show", "The Drew Carey Show", "6 Feet Under" and "Scrubs" shows...
Tafkap, have you seen http://www.dancingdrew.com ?

luke 09-19-2002 06:16 PM

Yeah, I think Chris' drug problem and Tony trying to mold him into something is going to cause a big conflict. Something is defintely going to happen with Paulie.

I didn't see the preview of next week. My friend said they showed Furio hitting someone with a phone book and thought it might be Chris.

Meadow calls her Tony a mob boss??? I can't wait for next Sunday!

DAMN IT! I just realized I'm getting on a plane at 8:40pm in Miami to come back to New Orleans. I'll have to get someone to tape it for me.

Tafkap 09-20-2002 03:22 AM


Originally posted by Rox
I subscribe to HBO for two reasons: The Sopranos and Six Feet Under! I absolutely love both shows.

Chris' drug habit is going to become a problem for Tony, that's for sure. I wouldn't put it past Ralphie, however, to be the turncoat. In any case, it'll be great to watch!

Tafkap, have you seen http://www.dancingdrew.com ?

Thanx Rox, i luv it!!! Great fun

LadySharlot 09-20-2002 02:58 PM

Ugh--I'm hopelessly hooked on the Soprano's. LOL Can't help it--it's the "loyalty", the "tradition" and the "family" that get me. Hahahha

Funbrunette--I would suggest doing what I did and rent season #1, then #2, and #3. We tried watching a few episodes in the middle, and were lost. Once we were done with Season #1--I was a fan. :D

Who's your favorite character...?? Well, I would definitely have to say Dr. Melfi. Love her!! LOL The most loyal...?? Bobbie! He's such a great guy!! :D

Ahhh...we're going to be gone Sunday also, but I don't worry--We have the Dish Network Personal Video Player (thier version of the TiVo. :)))

Lady Sharlot :-)

**Woke up this mornin, got yourself a gun....Mama always told you you're the chosen one...**

luke 09-20-2002 03:27 PM

I liked Paulie until he started to seem like he's turning. But he's still pretty funny. Like last episode when he ran to the phone to get to it before the other guy, and gave him that look....hillarious.

And I like Silvio too. But I've got to say Tony is my favorite.

Shann 09-21-2002 10:44 AM

I'm SO behind and confused on what happened when, that starting yesterday (and since I'm pretty laid up and have nothing to do but lay horizontal) I watched half of season one on DVD, I have everything on DVD and at this rate, I should be caught up by Sunday to watch season 4! lol

I'm also oddly attracted to Tony Soprano...... had a dream about him once, but I'm weird like that. LOL


Rox 09-21-2002 12:55 PM

Being a half-Sicilian girl from the East Coast, one of the things I think I love the most about the Sopranos is that I can SO totally relate to the family issues (and the "Family" issues, too!). And there's just something about those macho Italian Guidos that'll never NOT be attractive, regardless of my knowing on an intellectual level that they're usually hot-headed, dangerous pricks and philanderers whose shady dealings endanger anyone they associate with. For myself, the attraction can likely be categorized as 50% hots for the Bad Boys and 50% "I want a guy just like the guy who married (and divorced) dear old Mom." :cackle: Besides, I like big noses!

One thing about the show that I especially LOVE is that everyone uses the proper pronunciations for things like mozzarella, cappicolla and ricotta ("mootzarrrelle, gobigoll and rigawtt!"). I've lost my East Coast accent almost entirely, but when it comes to Italian words, I remain a purist.

Meadow can call her dad whatever she likes. Though he might be supremely pissed and go off on her, I'd be willing to bet that he'll never once admit to anything. It's the only way to protect the ones you love when you're in the Family business.

Evil Chris 09-22-2002 11:15 PM

Looks like we have some hardcore Sopranos fans in da house...
I think Funbrunette and I are going to have to start watching it!

Shann 09-23-2002 10:49 PM

Just got season 3 in, so now i have until 10:00 tomorrow night to watch the WHOLE season, so I can be up to date (missed last week but I can deal). After that, what the hell am i gonna do! LOL I"m laid up for at LEAST another week! lol

Vid Vicious 09-24-2002 02:57 PM

Would a freak have all three seasons on DVD ... And have seen em all more then twice?

luke 09-24-2002 05:24 PM

I missed the past show and my friend that was supposed to tape it didn't. What are friends for. :D I'll catch it this week sometime...

Don't tell me what happened!

Vid Vicious 09-24-2002 09:18 PM

in real life I'm a Mob Boss. Shh don't tell no one

Vid Vicious 09-24-2002 09:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
" The Truth behind the Sopronos: Season 4 "

Soprano freak? me? Never watched it ... :p

LadySharlot 09-25-2002 11:05 AM

LOL We were going to head to Chicago for a weekend, and while serchng the web for stuff to do, we ran across a Soprano's Dinner Club.

I guess that, each week, the Chef tries to create whatever it was that they ate the previous week on "The Soporanos". Then, when supper is over, they watch this week's episode! Hahahha--I thought it was HILARIOUS!! :D

Hmmm...last week...rather intense scene between Tony and Meadow, don'tcha think?? Wow! And didn't you LOVE Adrianna's reaction to stress??? Mwhahahhahaha

Lady Sharlot :-)

luke 09-25-2002 12:32 PM

Soprano dinner club. Now that's a pretty funny idea.

I still haven't seen last week's episode. I fell asleep last night 2 mins. before it came on! :bonk:

luke 09-25-2002 10:56 PM

I finally just saw this week's episode. What a great show. I can't believe Silvio is going against Tony. I like that guy. Can't wait to see next week's episode now...its going to get GOOD!

I love when she puked all over the FBI agents...CLASSIC! haha

Shann 09-26-2002 04:42 PM

SO i watched 3 seasons of the Sopranos in about 4 days, I dream of the mafia and pasta now! And Tony Sopranlo! LOL

Is Adrianna going to be a snitch?!

Can that kid Meadow need a BIGGER slap GAWD she is so rotten! I'm glad that out of the 2 guys she had sex with, one dumped her and the other cheated on her, spoiled brat!

I'd have to say a couple of my fav moments in that show, where when Paulie and Christopher are lost in the woods in the snow, and eat ketchup packages! LOL And when Janice steals Sveltana's leg!

luke 09-27-2002 04:12 PM

Yeah, that was a great episode when they got stuck in the woods...and he ate all the tictacs...lol.

I hope Adriande doesn't become a rat, I guess we'll see. I can't wait until Sunday!!!

Evil Chris 09-27-2002 04:16 PM

I haven't watched much Sopranos, but last night I watched the premiere episode of CSI... that's a great show!

luke 09-27-2002 06:17 PM

Never seen it, I don't get to watch too much tv. If I'm home, I'll be sitting at my computer with the tv on but not paying much attention to it.

teddyz 10-21-2003 01:34 PM

I own Season 1 and 2 on DVD, Great SHow

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