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Mister X 04-13-2003 02:18 PM

Mister X unveiled
Well I finally got a couple of pics that don't look really shitty so here they are. I was too lazy to find the Post Your Pic thread so I started a new one, lol.


Mister X 04-13-2003 02:20 PM

Notice how I very sneakily posted pics where I'm next to a beautiful girl... hehehe.


Mister X 04-13-2003 02:24 PM

And here are a couple of other pics from that night. It was Sophie's birthday and we went out to the Beluga bar in St-Jean to celebrate a bit. The pics were taken before it opened and it got packed with people. Also before I drank too much, hehehe.


Mister X 04-13-2003 02:25 PM


Mister X 04-13-2003 02:25 PM


wsjb78 04-13-2003 03:32 PM

Nice pics X and thx for your help. :)

fish 04-13-2003 03:47 PM

mister x, are you the redhead? who's the big guy in black?::-|

Darin 04-13-2003 04:02 PM

Dayum you're uglier than I thought!!!

Nice to finally put a face to a handle :)

wsjb78 04-13-2003 04:11 PM


Soph is really cute. I have to admit I only recognized her after Mister X told me it's SophDream. Didn't you have curly hair???
Anyway, I also heard Soph is even cuter in real life than on pics and even nicer than cute...

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 04-13-2003 04:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by wsjb78

Soph is really cute. I have to admit I only recognized her after Mister X told me it's SophDream. Didn't you have curly hair???
Anyway, I also heard Soph is even cuter in real life than on pics and even nicer than cute...

Here ... let me wipe the stain off your nose ...... :D

But yeah ... Soph seams like a total hottie !!

She should send me a pic for www.hotwebmistresses.com and grab a bit of free traffic :cool:

Mister X 04-13-2003 05:43 PM


Originally posted by fish
mister x, are you the redhead? who's the big guy in black?::-|
Hahaha. Actually I'm the blonde :D

Mister X 04-13-2003 05:44 PM


Originally posted by Darin
Dayum you're uglier than I thought!!!

Nice to finally put a face to a handle :)

Well not everyone has a trained gerbil to help out their image ya know! :mad:


Mister X 04-13-2003 05:46 PM


Originally posted by -=HUNGRYMAN=-
Here ... let me wipe the stain off your nose ...... :D

But yeah ... Soph seams like a total hottie !!

She should send me a pic for www.hotwebmistresses.com and grab a bit of free traffic :cool:

Hmmm. Looks like your site has disappeared Hungry! ::-| Nothing except a tiny little smidgen of text when I click the link

Mister X 04-13-2003 05:49 PM


Originally posted by wsjb78

Soph is really cute. I have to admit I only recognized her after Mister X told me it's SophDream. Didn't you have curly hair???
Anyway, I also heard Soph is even cuter in real life than on pics and even nicer than cute...

Well you're 100% right there. She IS cuter in real life and she IS a hell of a nice person on top of that. :D

Funbrunette 04-13-2003 08:22 PM

Finally!!! I've often wondered what you look like! I feel I've know you forever (boards & ICQ) now I can finally put a face to my Dear Mister X :D

Now, when do I get to touch..Oops I mean meet you in person? :p

Evil Chris 04-13-2003 08:37 PM

I never heard of the Beluga Bar... but I used to hang out at Beethoven's quite a lot years ago. Also a couple other bars that you probably never heard of. Le "Lem", and Le Brasserie de Vieux St-Jean.

Nice pics Mister X!

Mister X 04-13-2003 10:42 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Finally!!! I've often wondered what you look like! I feel I've know you forever (boards & ICQ) now I can finally put a face to my Dear Mister X :D

Now, when do I get to touch..Oops I mean meet you in person? :p

Hehehe. You can "touch" me any time you like! ;)

Hehehe. I really do need to get out and about more. Mostly stuck to the home turf here in Rosemont so far. Now that it's nicer out maybe I will get a chance to see more of Montreal... and the people who live here. :D

Mister X 04-13-2003 10:46 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I never heard of the Beluga Bar... but I used to hang out at Beethoven's quite a lot years ago. Also a couple other bars that you probably never heard of. Le "Lem", and Le Brasserie de Vieux St-Jean.

Nice pics Mister X!

It's above the Cactus restaurant on Rue Richelieu in old St-Jean. It's one of the clubs that doesn't open until 10. I actually have heard of Le Brasserie de Vieux St-Jean, hehe. Haven't been inside it yet though. The Cactus by the way has excellent food if you ever get hungry in St-Jean.

McAttack 04-14-2003 10:53 AM


Originally posted by Mister X
Hehehe. You can "touch" me any time you like! ;)

Hehehe. I really do need to get out and about more. Mostly stuck to the home turf here in Rosemont so far. Now that it's nicer out maybe I will get a chance to see more of Montreal... and the people who live here. :D

Wow, you live real close to me then. I live slightly north of you. I'm on the limit of Rosemont.

Mister X 04-14-2003 01:47 PM


Originally posted by McAttack
Wow, you live real close to me then. I live slightly north of you. I'm on the limit of Rosemont.
Cool. I'm at 4449 Belanger. A few blocks north of Pie IX. :D

fish 04-14-2003 02:32 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
Hahaha. Actually I'm the blonde :D
funny, i always pictured you as a big guy with a mustache and glasses..

Vid Vicious 04-14-2003 04:58 PM

Not at all what I pictured X .. When are we gonna met up for that beer?

mailman 04-14-2003 05:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
HE HE.... :)

Mister X 04-14-2003 08:29 PM


Originally posted by fish
funny, i always pictured you as a big guy with a mustache and glasses..
Smart ass! Hehe.

Mister X 04-14-2003 08:31 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Not at all what I pictured X .. When are we gonna met up for that beer?
Hmmmm... is that a good thing or a bad thing I wonder? ::-|

Will have to get together soon for sure. Maybe the end of the week or something like that.

Mister X 04-14-2003 08:32 PM


Originally posted by mailman
HE HE.... :)
Yeah well I've seen her naked in person! ;)

mailman 04-14-2003 09:52 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
Yeah well I've seen her naked in person! ;)
Ohhhhh how i wish i was you.... :(

Mister X 04-14-2003 09:58 PM


Originally posted by mailman
Ohhhhh how i wish i was you.... :(
We all get lucky some times. :cloud9: :angel:

mailman 04-14-2003 10:33 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
We all get lucky some times. :cloud9: :angel:

:( can i be you JUST for ONE day.... but Sophie has to be there nude... :bonk:

Mister X 04-15-2003 11:17 AM

Hahaha. Well I'm not in control of Sophie's clothing choices, sad to say. Hehehe.

Vid Vicious 04-15-2003 11:29 AM

end of the week i'll be in toronto

Mister X 04-15-2003 06:46 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
end of the week i'll be in toronto
Oops. I guess you will. :bonk:

BuggyG 04-16-2003 06:36 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
ok...so when's the next Sophie party?!?!? Im in. I'm all game for it. So.. spill ya guts and spread the news (ummmmmm..soph party and talk of spreading......bah!!! never mind! hehehehe )

BuggyG 04-16-2003 06:38 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
Cool. I'm at 4449 Belanger. A few blocks north of Pie IX. :D

well that's not that far from my end. what 15...20mins max if don't get stuck witht he lights on pie-ix. but i'm way north-east of ya in mtl-nd. So does soph hang out at ya place much!?!?!? hehehe:p :D :p

Mister X 04-16-2003 09:46 PM


Originally posted by BuggyG
well that's not that far from my end. what 15...20mins max if don't get stuck witht he lights on pie-ix. but i'm way north-east of ya in mtl-nd. So does soph hang out at ya place much!?!?!? hehehe:p :D :p
Hehehe. Really don't know when the next little pqarty will be. I think there will be some kind of anniversary party this summer. She's usually here once a week or so.

Not often enough unfortunately. :(

Darin 04-17-2003 05:42 PM

Mister X looks like my uncle. HMMMMMMM

Mister X 04-17-2003 06:20 PM


Originally posted by Darin
Mister X looks like my uncle. HMMMMMMM
Suddenly I'm very worried. ::-|

Olivier 04-18-2003 05:57 PM

hey Mister X! :xthumbs:

are you the owner of Eromodel?


Mister X 04-18-2003 08:06 PM


Originally posted by Olivier
hey Mister X! :xthumbs:

are you the owner of Eromodel?


Hi Olivier.
I am but a lowly employee at the moment. :(

If you're doing content maybe we have some models you'd be interested in. Check out http://www.eromodelcasting.com and don't hesitate to give us a call if you need something!

Olivier 04-18-2003 08:39 PM

great! :cool:

I will call you. we might do some good business so :)

but why are you a low employee? lol

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