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Magnus3x 11-13-2003 05:09 PM

Hey Vancouver Webmasters!!!
Big ass party on Saturday.. it's the Mag's Birthday and Drinkinghards last weekend in Vancouver as he is set to move back to Ontario.

We are gonna do dinner and Carlos and Buds 7pm (where Seabass works) very casual sports bar.. and then I have the whole back lounge reserved at Fluid Lounge for 9:30 till 4am in tha morning baby!!


Vid Vicious 11-13-2003 05:56 PM

Dayum a nite at fluid ! sounds like fun

Magnus3x 11-13-2003 06:36 PM

bro it would be sawicked to have you cats there!! It's gonna be off the hook. we got about 25 peeps so far and counting.

AdultInsiderJen 11-13-2003 06:58 PM

its gonna be great!!

i just gotta find a way to get home after!!

Crak_JMan 11-13-2003 07:01 PM

Fucking A bro... You can count me in.

Magnus3x 11-13-2003 07:23 PM


i just gotta find a way to get home after!!
Ummmmmmmm I think there will be anough people kicking around that you can flop somewhere.. *S*

Wicked man.. lets rev this up.. party party!!

Phoenix 11-13-2003 08:04 PM

dayum..looks to be a goodtime as per usual

AdultInsiderJen 11-13-2003 08:30 PM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
Ummmmmmmm I think there will be anough people kicking around that you can flop somewhere.. *S*

Wicked man.. lets rev this up.. party party!!

Ya I could always cab home if not!

*giggle* :p

Crak_JMan 11-13-2003 08:32 PM


Originally posted by AdultInsiderJen
Ya I could always cab home if not!

*giggle* :p

You can always stay with me... I got a Fully loaded cartboard box in Drinking Hards Parking Lot. :p

AdultInsiderJen 11-13-2003 08:43 PM


Originally posted by JMan
You can always stay with me... I got a Fully loaded cartboard box in Drinking Hards Parking Lot. :p
Fully loaded eh? Im down!

Evil Chris 11-13-2003 11:57 PM

That's it... We're moving to Vancouver!

**psyche**!!! ;)

Billy-Purecash 11-14-2003 12:10 AM

Chris.. is Vancouver close to Montreal ???

Evil Chris 11-14-2003 12:16 AM


Originally posted by Billy-Purecash
Chris.. is Vancouver close to Montreal ???
LOL no! It's like the distance from New York to LA!

Billy-Purecash 11-14-2003 12:26 AM

OK... cross that party off my list for Saturday night : (

webgurl 11-14-2003 01:19 AM

Its magnus birthday !!

Elli 11-14-2003 01:20 AM

I'm so there! Where is Carlos and Buds, though? I've never heard of it!

webgurl 11-14-2003 01:24 AM


Originally posted by Elli
I'm so there! Where is Carlos and Buds, though? I've never heard of it!

awwww u signed up just to post in this thread hehehe did u use my referal code ? :bonk:

Elli 11-14-2003 01:31 AM

Shemp has just notified me that he intends to put in an appearance. Now it's officially a party. :)

StuartD 11-14-2003 01:39 AM

You have no idea how upset I am that I'm never able to make it to any of these get togethers.

I'ma go and cry in the corner now http://www.sponsorslist.com/temp/sadfuck2.gif

webgurl 11-14-2003 01:57 AM


Originally posted by StuartD
You have no idea how upset I am that I'm never able to make it to any of these get togethers.

I'ma go and cry in the corner now http://www.sponsorslist.com/temp/sadfuck2.gif

there will always be next time stu ...... de ja vu

Elli 11-14-2003 01:58 AM


Originally posted by StuartD
You have no idea how upset I am that I'm never able to make it to any of these get togethers.

I'ma go and cry in the corner now

Aww stuart, don't cry! We'll post pictures ;)

the New Shemp 11-14-2003 02:00 AM

where is this Carlos and Buds, im a country boy you know.

StuartD 11-14-2003 02:29 AM


Originally posted by webgurl
there will always be next time stu ...... de ja vu
next time? This was supposed to be the next time after the Summit. And the Summit was supposed to be the next time after that other thing I couldn't make it to.... and... so on.

You know what it is? Have people get together with people I don't want to hang out with.... in a place I really don't want to be. THEN I will probably have no problem getting there.

But so long as it's something I really want to be a part of.... we all know how well that goes :rolleyes:

Elli, take lots of pics... you have to be my eyes for me ;)

silent moan 11-14-2003 03:46 AM

Wow! party...party...party!!! sounds fun:D
Time for relaxation and bonding with each other....enjoy yourselves guys:bonk:

Shann 11-14-2003 04:23 AM

MAN i wanna come :(

Vid Vicious 11-14-2003 11:54 AM

Hey shann .. if you cover the flights, I'll take care of the cab fare :D

Magnus3x 11-14-2003 12:31 PM

Woooo hooooooooooo.. the Shemp on the list Elli on the list...it's gonna be a good time kids.

Carlos and Buds is on 555 Pacific Street and crosses with Seymore.

Magnus3x 11-14-2003 12:37 PM


Its magnus birthday !!
Webgrrl will you dance for us in purple vail??:D

Shann 11-14-2003 02:50 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Hey shann .. if you cover the flights, I'll take care of the cab fare :D
HA i'll cover the flights you cover the party tab! Booyah!


the New Shemp 11-14-2003 02:56 PM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
Webgrrl will you dance for us in purple vail??:D
Webgurl dances?

Magnus3x 11-14-2003 03:31 PM


Webgurl dances?
This is how rumors get started..:D

Magnus3x 11-14-2003 03:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Let's keep up the good work!!!

hershie 11-14-2003 03:54 PM

Thanks for the invite Steve; I will be there!

If anyone needs a ride over or needs a place to crash afterwards, let me know - hershie@adultcontentzone.com

hershie 11-14-2003 04:12 PM


Originally posted by StuartD
next time? This was supposed to be the next time after the Summit. And the Summit was supposed to be the next time after that other thing I couldn't make it to.... and... so on.

You know what it is? Have people get together with people I don't want to hang out with.... in a place I really don't want to be. THEN I will probably have no problem getting there.

But so long as it's something I really want to be a part of.... we all know how well that goes :rolleyes:

Elli, take lots of pics... you have to be my eyes for me ;)

I always thought you were a "local" webmaster. Your appearance rate at recent functions leads me to believe you only want people to think you are from Vancouver. Come clean already!

AdultInsiderJen 11-14-2003 05:57 PM

I'm stoked!!!

Its bound to be a blast!


Magnus3x 11-14-2003 06:46 PM


Its bound to be a blast
You want to be BOUND??? yum yum!!:D


I always thought you were a "local" webmaster. Your appearance rate at recent functions leads me to believe you only want people to think you are from Vancouver. Come clean already
Stuart D is a BOT and if you call his number you get billed $8.99 US per minute.


Vid Vicious 11-14-2003 06:48 PM

You boys better take good care of Jen .. she's my hero :D

Rip Raster 11-14-2003 08:26 PM

Did someone say JAGGER? ::-|


Elli 11-14-2003 10:33 PM


Originally posted by Rip Raster
Did someone say JAGGER? ::-|


I think that's "Jager" and yep, now you've said it. :)

Rip Raster 11-14-2003 11:55 PM

You have to keep adding g's the drunker u get, so by the end of the night it's like JAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGER :glugglug:


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