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KarenJ 12-14-2004 05:22 AM

New here
Hi all
I'm actually engaging in a spot of board announcements for my program and released I hadn't joined X Nations, so thought I should at least say hello.

So Hi, I'm Karen :) I've been doing this since mid 2000, and I've mainly worked in the 4women niche since I started.

I'm Australian, married, and my hobbies include guzzling chardonnay, bellydancing and watching Dr Who. Which makes me sound like a very weird person.

Nice to meet you all.

Panky 12-14-2004 08:24 AM

Welcum to XNations. :D

monaro 12-14-2004 08:40 AM

G'day Karen and Partner, welcome to XNations..

I read the great review at Janesguides about For The Girls. Nice work you have there!

FeTiShLaDy 12-14-2004 09:23 AM

welcome to Xnations Karen! enjoy your stay here and nice meeting you too.

Evil Chris 12-14-2004 09:38 AM

Hello Karen... welcome to XNations! :happy:

pf69.com 12-14-2004 10:54 AM

welcome to Xnations! I am sure you will like things around here

foxylady 12-14-2004 11:59 AM

hello karen welcome to the board :)

Funbrunette 12-14-2004 03:54 PM

Hello and welcum to Xnations! :happy:

LAJ 12-14-2004 04:20 PM

Hey there KarenJ... great to see you here... this is one of my favorite places away from YNOT!

KarenJ 12-14-2004 08:17 PM

Thanks for the welcome everyone.
Monaro, that review on Jane's Guide had Debbie and I doing little dances around our respective offices :) It was nice to know we were appreciated LOL

X nations seems like a nice board to hang around. Civil and friendly, which I always like to see.

kaustic 12-14-2004 08:18 PM

Welcome to the board!

sammy 12-14-2004 09:49 PM

welcum to xnations KarenJ ;)

jscott 12-15-2004 01:02 PM

hi Karen, welcome :)

Gruntled 12-15-2004 04:04 PM

welcome aboard, KarenJ! :xhappy:

aimeesweet 12-15-2004 05:06 PM

Welcome Karen!

nanda 12-16-2004 08:20 PM

Hey Karen!:D

Rochard 12-17-2004 01:29 AM

Belly dancing?

Show us your pets. Seriously. Got a cat or a dog?

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