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Evil Chris 12-17-2004 11:37 AM

Remembering 2004
When you think about 2004, what will you remember most?

For me the first thing that comes to mind is the re-election of George W Bush for a 2nd term.

Other things that spring to mind include:

The bombings in Madrid
Murders of children in Beslan
Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal
10 new members in the European Union
The Olympics in Athens
Death of Yasur Arafat
Democracy in the Ukraine
Violence in Darfur
NHL goes on strike
Boston Red Sox win the World Series

Carol 12-17-2004 04:29 PM

George Bush

NHL strike

49er's taking a big plunge into football hell

Leaving Pornkings

Mt St Helens erupting (sorta erupting)

the hurricaines in Florida

my son turning 19

moving into my dream location/house

coming to terms with my craziness ;-) (don't laugh it wasnt easy)

burntout21 12-17-2004 05:04 PM

I road out a major hurricane here in florida. I will always remember that. it was a really scary experience, i have rode out cat 1 and 2's with no problem but a cat 4 is a nightmare. i won't do it again. really a freaky thing to see so much get destroyed.

LAJ 12-17-2004 06:47 PM

The Bush election disaster
The continuation of the Iraq war disaster
The Hurricanes in Florida disaster
Red Sox winning after 86 years

The birth of my son
The purchase of my 1st house
The success of my first major industry events that I organized (Cybernet & YP)
My crazy cross country move with my cats riding in the car with me for 3 days

All up 2004 was an AWESOME year for me, but not so much for America. Or Iraq.

Torn Rose 12-17-2004 07:04 PM

More Dead US Solders in Irak
Red Sox
Pacers getting dismantled over the brawl
Purdue Football going from being ranked 4th in the nation to a 4 game losing streak.

Loss of my cat of 17+ years
Moving to Florida
Being in 3 Hurricanes in 5 weeks
Realizing that most people in this business are hypocrites and liars with no purpose other then to fuck other people over.

People who know us know what I am speaking of, I will not go into more details but I will remember 2004 as by far the worst personal year Toni and I ever had, it started Dec 31 of 2003 and so far it has potential of looking up, but after of a full year of hell we are very cautious to say its getting better.

Hate to be the rain on a parade, but I personally am looking forward to 2005 since I know it can not be near as bad as 2004.

Panky 12-17-2004 07:49 PM

My newborn nephew :D
The first time ever celebrating Thanksgiving in October ;)
The elections
Dec. was my 1 year anniversary of moving to Canada. :)
Becoming "mom" to a kitten


Originally posted by Torn Rose
Realizing that most people in this business are hypocrites and liars with no purpose other then to fuck other people over.
I couldn't agree more. I went through so much bullshit in 1 year to last a lifetime, on top of experiencing homesickness for the first time ever, and adjusting to new surroundings. 2004 definitely was not one of my better years, but I grew for the better personally, and my eyes were opened to just how shrewd and evil some people really are. Every day is a new day. In time, the wounds will heal.

I, too, am waiting for 2004 to end. Things are improving now as it is, so 2005 is going to be all that much better. :D

Dimitar 12-18-2004 06:45 AM

Too much beer in 2004

LAJ 12-18-2004 09:34 AM

Wow Panky and Torn... I'm sorry to hear that 2004 was such a horrible year for you guys :(

2002 was my worst personal year over the last few years...

Hope 2005 is much better for you.

Torn Rose 12-18-2004 11:20 AM

Yeah, it was a bad one, but on the flip side it's good to know that it wasn't bad for you or others and we have 2005 to look forward to.

trishie 12-18-2004 06:24 PM

2004 hasn't been the best year.. with alot of personal problems and my dad being so ill..
but I am a very positive person... I feel that 2005 is going to bring alot of health and happiness back... :)

Jasun 12-18-2004 07:21 PM

War in Iraq

Buying a new motorcycle

Election Disaster

My three amazing vacations (Florida, SoCal and Montreal)

losing 35 lbs.

Abu grabe prisoner abuse

voting in three elections. (Federal, Provincial, US Presidential)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Hanging out with Don in LA.... really.. that was a WILD day.

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