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Evil Chris 09-05-2002 08:51 AM

If you could live anywhere?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I personally would love to have several homes around the world.

I'd always want a house here in Canada, but I'd also love to have a summer home in Switzerland or Austria in the mountains. That way I would be able to go summer skiing on the glacier, and what's more the food in central Europe is the best in the world...

Tafkap 09-05-2002 09:24 AM


Already have a house by the French Riviera

Already have an apartment here in Paris

Would have a house :

- in the Bahamas for the sun,

- in French Alps for skiing,

- and one in Canada and one in the USA to hang out with u guyz!!!


XxXotic 09-05-2002 10:26 AM

anywhere but louisiana! :D

Evil Chris 09-05-2002 10:50 AM

I dunno... I like Nawlins! :)

LadySharlot 09-05-2002 11:12 AM

Nah--I'de rather not have to deal with maintaing several houses--we have 2 now and it's a pain in the rear-end. LOL (Actually, we have one, and then are maintaing another one for my Grandma.)

Instead, I'de just rather take that "house buyin" money and travel. Screw paying for 2-10 different electric bills, give me an airplane, motel rooms that I don't have to dust the stuff on the shelves, and enough money to travel anywhere and I"m tickled pink!!

No multiple mortgages to tie me down! Gimmie Airline Travel Points! Mwhahahahhahaha

Lady Sharlot :-)

Raya 09-05-2002 12:49 PM

I've been working on this very thing for a couple of years. I have the perfect home, I can take it any place. Sail boat. I just need to get the sites past the baby sitting stage. I keep telling myself soon. Very soon!:)

Shann 09-05-2002 03:06 PM

I've lived in Toronto all my life, but it is BETTER in the Bahamas, I've been 5 times in just over a year, i LOVE it there. :) I would take a place right on the Atlantis property and be set for life! :)

Aly 09-05-2002 03:45 PM

I've lived in Malaysia, Egypt, the Persian Gulf, Scotland, England, Canada and San Diego. I've travelled pretty much everywhere except Australia and communist states. Without a doubt, San Diego's home. This is by far my favourite place to live.

XxXotic 09-05-2002 05:10 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I dunno... I like Nawlins! :)
big sleazy is cool to visit a few times, living down here man its like living in a fat ladies panties. Hot Smelly and Sticky/Sweaty. Not much to do here except drink, the casino's suck, night life isn't all that great, and its ghetto as hell most everywhere down here.

I'd like new orleans a lot more as a vacation spot then a place to live.

Evil Chris 09-05-2002 05:16 PM


Originally posted by XxXotic
big sleazy is cool to visit a few times, living down here man its like living in a fat ladies panties. Hot Smelly and Sticky/Sweaty. Not much to do here except drink, the casino's suck, night life isn't all that great, and its ghetto as hell most everywhere down here.

I'd like new orleans a lot more as a vacation spot then a place to live.

I'm sure you're right. I have been to New Orleans three times in the same year and I'm not sure if I would like to live there, but it's a hell of a fun city to be in, and lot's of culture too.

I will never forget Pat O'Briens.... 1 Hurricane per hour for 6 hours. :eek:

luke 09-05-2002 11:44 PM

Its definitely fun living here...I've been in New Orleans all my life, all 23 years...lol

I just finished a softball game and it was fun dodging the mosquitos carrying the west nile virus! ;-)

Electra 09-06-2002 01:54 AM

I've always fancied a little villa in Florence, Italy. Either that or my own Island in the Caribbean..with a landing strip for my private plane of course :D

Mister X 09-06-2002 02:09 AM

I'd like someplace relatively unspoiled and tropical. If there still is such a place in the world.

spudnik 09-06-2002 11:46 PM

I'm with Lady Sharlot! Why stay in just one place?

Rather than buying a house, I think I'd buy a yacht and sail around the world. I grew up near the water (albeit, the polluted Boston Harbor water), and have always found sailing cathartic. Plus, it's hard to get homesick when you can bring your home with you.

Failing that, a vineyard in Sonoma wouldn't be bad. :)

Evil Chris 09-06-2002 11:56 PM


Originally posted by Electra
I've always fancied a little villa in Florence, Italy. Either that or my own Island in the Caribbean..with a landing strip for my private plane of course :D
Now doesn't that sound nice... Electra, do you speak any Italian?


Originally posted by spudnik
I'm with Lady Sharlot! Why stay in just one place?

Rather than buying a house, I think I'd buy a yacht and sail around the world. I grew up near the water (albeit, the polluted Boston Harbor water), and have always found sailing cathartic. Plus, it's hard to get homesick when you can bring your home with you.

Failing that, a vineyard in Sonoma wouldn't be bad. :)

The endless cruise.... Raya does that. She lives on a boat. What a life that must be...

Evil Chris 09-06-2002 11:57 PM

btw spudnik.... welcome to xnations! :cool:

Raya 09-07-2002 12:04 AM

Evil Chris I'm not married, and his wife lives in Manchester NH. :D

Evil Chris 09-07-2002 12:28 AM


Originally posted by Raya
Evil Chris I'm not married, and his wife lives in Manchester NH. :D
My post has been edited! ::-|

Magick 09-07-2002 11:12 PM

Somewhere cold and snowy so I could snuggle up to the fire with my fav Stephen King book and warm my toes :)

ahhhhh...what a nice thought LOL

luke 09-08-2002 03:11 AM

Haven't read any of his books but have watched his movies. I still cringe when I watch Misery when she takes the sledge hammer to his ankles...sorry to ruin your nice though. :(

Raya 09-08-2002 02:05 PM

That is one of the most gruesome sense I have ever seen. I say that movie with my ankle in a cast after a car accident. I still remember how it made me feel ill.

I have red a few of his books they are very disturbing.

Magick 09-08-2002 07:17 PM

I've been a devoted Stephen King fan for years now...his books are disturbing, yes, but they are some of the most entertaining and thrilling books you will ever read. I'm in the middle of one of his new ones "Everything's Eventual" and it is incredible!

Funbrunette 09-08-2002 08:27 PM

Anywhere with a beach and lots of sun! :D

rocki 09-09-2002 10:48 AM

i will end up on a third world island with ocean front property and T3 line... :D

Evil Chris 09-09-2002 10:51 AM


Originally posted by rocki
i will end up on a third world island with ocean front property and T3 line... :D
Isn't that Curacao? LOL just kiddin... Curacao is an amazing place...

rocki 09-09-2002 11:17 AM

yeah curacao is awesome but i would want something more third world... like costa rica or somthing...


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