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Evil Chris 12-28-2004 11:22 PM

XNations 2004 in review
I'd like to thank all member's of XNations for a great year!
2004 saw our once little board turn into one of the better webmaster BBS's available to webmasters.

I think our approach to business and networking here at XNations is unique to our community, and it's all because of you, the registered users.

As many boards come (and go), XNations has continued to see growth and prosperity. That trend will certainly continue! Again this year we have been nominated for an XBiz Award and that in itself reflects recognition of a solid webmaster community.

So pat yourselves on the back, and may 2005 be very profitable for everyone.

Bec 12-28-2004 11:26 PM

This board is certainly an inspiration ... it's great to see it doing so well! Keep up the good work and good luck on that Xbiz nomination!

Big Fish 12-28-2004 11:27 PM

First, I'd like to say that I don't come here much, but that's not because of the board. There's just not enough hours in the day for everything.

I hope everyone had a great year and I hope 2005 is even better!!!

BT 12-28-2004 11:28 PM

Thank you and congradulations on another successful year giving webmasters a very resourceful place to do business. " In 2005 Xnations kicking it live." Press on!

Kacy 12-28-2004 11:28 PM

Thank you Chris & Funbrunette for putting so much time effort into the XNations community. That is the reason the board is still alive and kicking! It has good people running it that actually care about the industry. Congrats on the Xbiz nod, hope you win :)

PS - I will become more active in '05, promise ;)

baddog 12-28-2004 11:33 PM

You have definitely grown from those days of yesteryear.

Good luck in 2005

Easton 12-28-2004 11:34 PM

now i feel bad that i don't post more... :(


Easton 12-28-2004 11:36 PM

but seriously, congrats you guys... i cant believe it's already been 2 years that i've been registered here!

well done!

gunner 12-28-2004 11:40 PM

With Evil Chris and FunB at the helm, this ship will never go astray.
Two top notch people who have proven their board is on the move and wont' be stopped. I've been a registered member since Sept 2002, and I've seen the board grow and know it will continue to grow in 2005.

Best of luck and Happy New Year to Xnations, its owners, and all its wonderful members.

Ronaldo 12-28-2004 11:43 PM

Re: XNations 2004 in review

Originally posted by Evil Chris
and it's all because of you
You're welcome.

Ronaldo 12-28-2004 11:45 PM

Congrats on the nomination Chris.

I always feel bad about not getting around here as much anymore as well, but I'm looking forward to seeing you in Vegas :)

Evil Chris 12-28-2004 11:53 PM

Re: Re: XNations 2004 in review

Originally posted by Ronaldo
You're welcome.
cheeky... :D
Thanks Ron...

gregtx 12-29-2004 12:01 AM

good for you guys... :) congrats on two yrs!!!

see ya next week Chris

Raven 12-29-2004 12:04 AM

I wish you all the best in 2005....your care and attention to this board is what makes it great!

Keep up the good work. :)

RedShoe 12-29-2004 12:05 AM

Congrats Chris. I knew you could do it. I have NEVER lost faith in you.. AS A PERSON.

modF 12-29-2004 12:08 AM

I'm happy to buy you a drink to that at the show next week. Keep up the great work!

amacontent 12-29-2004 12:11 AM

Congrats Chris... hope to see you gusy in Vegas

pornJester 12-29-2004 12:14 AM

Awesome to see the board nominated again. Hope all the best in the new year for XNations and the webmasters who make up the board :)

webgurl 12-29-2004 12:15 AM

Thanks Chris for having this board for us to post !

I have lots of new goals for 2005 and I hope it to be a profitable new years too .

Cheers everybody

gonzo 12-29-2004 12:41 AM

I guess I picked a good time to come hang out.

SykkBoy 12-29-2004 01:26 AM

Oh shit
it's been awhile since I've been here...hadn't seen the new design.

Congrats for a big 2004 EC and FB and here's to bigger and better in 2005

adamneve 12-29-2004 01:38 AM

Congrats Chris and Funbrunette !

this has been one my first stops when i wake up in the morning and drink my coffee ;)

keep it up and let's :glugglug: for another great year here at Xnations :D

Rochard 12-29-2004 01:44 AM

Do you REALLY want my opinion?

Just like lovers, boards have come and boards have gone. Some stay longer than others. Some are here today gone in the morning; Yet with others it's very clear they are here to stay.

And Xnations is here to stay.

Xnations is the perfect mix between seriousness and fun.

Good job.

I'm hungry.

AaronM 12-29-2004 01:56 AM

Re: XNations 2004 in review

Originally posted by Evil Chris
I'd like to thank all member's of XNations for a great year!
2004 saw our once little board turn into one of the better webmaster BBS's available to webmasters.

I think our approach to business and networking here at XNations is unique to our community, and it's all because of you, the registered users.

As many boards come (and go), XNations has continued to see growth and prosperity. That trend will certainly continue! Again this year we have been nominated for an XBiz Award and that in itself reflects recognition of a solid webmaster community.

So pat yourselves on the back, and may 2005 be very profitable for everyone.

Yeah baby!

See you in Vegas Chris. :cool:

LAJ 12-29-2004 09:15 AM

I've made friends and conducted business thru this board. Accomplishing both at the same place is hard to come by in this biz.

Aside from YNOT, I post here more than anywhere else now.

Thank you XNations.

Funbrunette 12-29-2004 09:45 AM

Thanks everyone! :D This board would be nothing without it's wonderful members! I just love hanging out here! :)

I'm hungry too! :angel:

Crak_JMan 12-29-2004 10:03 AM

2 years, EC and FB you guys have done an awesome job. Although I don't post much I read this board constently and when I have posted about biz, I have gotten great results from it.

Congradulations and good luck on many more years to come ;-)

twinkley 12-29-2004 10:13 AM

Xnations is like a fine wine .... it only gets better with age :cool:

Somehow Chris and FunB have managed to find the perfect balance and have worked their butts off to keep it here.

Here's to another fantastic year at XNations! :grphug: :grphug: :grphug:


monaro 12-29-2004 12:10 PM

Members and friends of XNations gives that xtra inch of love =)

sweetums 12-29-2004 12:16 PM

Many congrats, FB & EC :)

There aren't enough hours in the day for me to post often, but XNations is really one of those boards that have fostered a spirit of community and support.

Thanks to all for building this...it really is pretty special :)

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