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Cheeba Filas 12-04-2002 01:30 AM

Where FREE Really is FREE
1 Attachment(s)
OK check this out. New Magazine I start right, I say let's be different give away 200,000 magazines a month and piss of the world. I'm tired of spending money on Magazine subscriptions. So hey, I'm creating my own I put together a team of the best writers and designers and we came up with UCSM. I know it's far fetched but what the hell you only live twice. Anyway go to subscribe to the magazine it's FREE. I know what your saying nothing is free in this industry. I'm as honest about this as the day I cheated on my wife. And boy that felt great. Call me crazy :bonk:

For all of you who know me that already know about the magazine and have already signed to get cool. You will love it. I publish three other magazines bust this one is the taker. I'll have more details up when UCSMonline.com is fully set up. At the moment it point's to the mothership. Which is getting us buried. Visa messed us up on this one. Out of 2,000 sites we reviewed that were up. 11,000 of them are gone. That's more than 50%. :badcomp:

Any way check us out, if you have a hot cash program and people really like your sites let me know. I'll put it on we have some decent traffic. Not everything convert's but the weird shit does. Like that site you have that's not doing that hot, most likely will convert on our site. Fucking weirdo's on the site, any way go to UCumSeeMe Marketing and set up your site for review here. :D

If you answer this thread you gotta upload a funny attachment of something. This industry suppose to be about having fun everyones so bitter these days.

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