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ClubPro 12-31-2004 06:12 AM

Happy New Year - Board! :)
Happy New Year - Board! :)

lol, multilingual New Years wishes

Glückliches Neues Jahr.

Eines glückliches Neujahr.

Allen ein frohes Neues Jahr!

Glueckliches und ein guten Rutsch

frohe Weihnachten

und ein frohes neues Jahr


Feliz Año Nuevo.


Bonne année.

Nouvelle Année Heureuse.


Heldig Nytår.

Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar.


С Новым годом.

Счастливый Новый год.

Счастливого нового года.


Šťastný Nový rok.


Glad Nyåren.


Heldig Nytår.


Boldog {j Évet.


Fericit Nou An.


Felice anno nuovo.


Szczęśliwego nowego roku.


ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος.



Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu


새해 복 많이 받으세요.

Saehae Bock Mani ba deu sei yo!

seh heh bok mani bat uh seyo

(Chinese (traditional.))


(Chinese (simple.))


Chu Shen Tan

||| - India - |||


Nahi varsh ka shub kamna

Nayee Saal Kee Badhi hoo!

Subh Nab Bars

nav varsh ki subhkamna


Naya Saal Mubbarak Ho

Nayya Saal Mubarak!

naya saal mubarik


Nave sal di mubarak


Funbrunette 12-31-2004 08:52 AM

Wow! Woohoooo! Happy New Year Xnations! 2005 here we come! I'm sooooo excited it's a new beginning! :D I'v got a bunch of goodies planned for 2005, it's going to be my year! :xthumbs:

sammy 12-31-2004 01:43 PM

Happy new year Xnations !

Une bonne et heureuse année a tous ! :)

Evil Chris 12-31-2004 03:55 PM

Happy New Year everyone! All our best wishes for a happy and profitable 2005!

TheLegacy 12-31-2004 04:20 PM

wow.. thats a very multicultural message - for all I know clubpro could have called me a sheep pimp and gotten away with it

Happy New Year everyone!!

monaro 12-31-2004 06:10 PM

Happy New Year Everyone:bonk:

pf69.com 01-01-2005 02:20 PM

you forgot portuguese

Feliz Ano Novo!

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