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BobbyR 09-05-2002 11:25 AM

Adult Reality Porn
How about all this new content? It converts like crazy...I know that much.

Sites like College Fuck Fest, Chicktrick, BangBus, etc...

If you had the means, what type of adult reality content would you produce or have produced?

Evil Chris 09-05-2002 12:03 PM

I think that a reality / voyeur type of site would really fly in today's marketplace. Something where it doesn't look played up for the camera. A true voyeur site. Cuz TV show's like Big Brother are very popular.

ElvisManson 09-05-2002 12:13 PM

Midgets granting 3 wishes to girls who give him 3 sexual favours would work really well I think...hmnnnnn

Cyndalie 09-05-2002 12:52 PM

See Tranny Trick over at Oxcash yet? LMAO

Evil Chris 09-05-2002 01:17 PM

Cyn... I hope you never trick us! LOL

BobbyR 09-05-2002 02:28 PM


Originally posted by Cyndalie
See Tranny Trick over at Oxcash yet? LMAO
LOL...fucking hilarious!!! That is very well done.

Cyndalie 09-05-2002 02:58 PM

Don't worry Chris, I may be able to fuck as good as some guys but only with the proper equipment ::-|

Aly 09-05-2002 04:04 PM


Originally posted by Cyndalie
Don't worry Chris, I may be able to fuck as good as some guys but only with the proper equipment ::-|

Run away with me Cyndalie...

Raya 09-05-2002 04:11 PM

OK now it's out of control, Chris they are running around with scissors.

Someone is going to loose an eye!:p

You just got to love wild girls!

Evil Chris 09-05-2002 04:25 PM


Originally posted by Raya
OK now it's out of control, Chris they are running around with scissors.

Someone is going to loose an eye!:p

You just got to love wild girls!

It's become quite clear to me Raya... Cyndalie and Aly are an explosive combination!!! LMAO!!

Aly 09-05-2002 05:41 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris

It's become quite clear to me Raya... Cyndalie and Aly are an explosive combination!!! LMAO!!


Mister X 09-06-2002 02:31 AM

I think a version of big brother just for the net could be huge. Get some starving college students and stick them in a house and wire up a couple dozen cameras. Maybe a coed frat house type deal. The people would have to be allowed to leave to go to school or whatever unlike the TV big brother. Too expensive otherwise. But the viewers/members would get to vote out the ones they didn't like. Obviously you couldn't give the winner a half-mill and still make a profit but I think you could get people to do it just for a free place to live and a new car to the winner or something. You'd have to keep it clean enough so that you could market it to a mainstream audience but if the members voted on who gets kicked out there would be some interesting shit going on to stay popular. Basically Voyeurdorm with both sexes and people getting voted out. Wish I had the money to try it.

Cyndalie 09-06-2002 11:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hehe :) You guys rock!

luke 09-07-2002 12:53 AM

Can we get an wave file of that orgasm embedded into this thread like the top5 movie thread? hehehe

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