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-   -   PR5 looking for hardlink trades with PR3 and above (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=10225)

Steve_NCH 01-05-2005 09:26 PM

PR5 looking for hardlink trades with PR3 and above
Here is my proposal:

1) You link to either http://www.celebsinthenude.com (link text "Naked Celebs Free") or http://www.celebrity-sex-scenes.com (link text "Nude Celeb Movies") from your PR3 or better site.

2) Email me: webmaster (at) nudecelebhound.com telling me where my link is, what your recip link is and what link text I should use.

3) I put up a return link from my PR5 site www.elegantcelebs.com

(Note this is a hardlink trade for purposes of building PR, not a traffic trade. You won't get much traffic from www.elegantcelebs.com and I'm not bothered about traffic from you, so put me anywhere on your page you wish) :)

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