X Nations

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-   -   OCCash Announces Brazilbang.com -- Greatest Brazilian Site of History! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=10334)

xxxjay 01-17-2005 05:32 PM

OCCash Announces Brazilbang.com -- Greatest Brazilian Site of History!
OCCash Announces Brazilbang.com -- Greatest Brazilian Site of History!

We’ve been working on this one for while: www.brazilbang.com -- what we have here is a one-of-a-kind Brazilian big butt interracial orgy extravaganza the likes of which has never been seen on the web before.

Brazilbang.com was very expensive to shoot - all the episodes run at two hours with a minimum in six Brazilian hotties in each. BrazilBang is now open to all OCCash affiliates for promotion. We have free hosted picture galleries, movie galleries, promo content, and banners ready for you to use now.

From looking at the test traffic over the last week – the numbers have been insane! We think this site has Bangbus potential, so get in early and promote it before everyone else does!

Lastly, we have a contest giving away two pre-made Hun listings with your affiliate ID on GFY:

If you are not an OCCash affiliate, please sign up at www.occash.com

JoshuaSevilla 01-17-2005 06:14 PM

Hey Jay..lets revist your interest in our traffic. I sent you an email with my new contact info.


GeoIP keyword targeted traffic converts!

ICQ #281-748-807
AOL IM “JoshuaSevilla”

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