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Rochard 01-19-2005 11:16 AM

Is it cold today?
Welcome to Phoenix my friends. Today it will be about 80 degress out here. I'll be running some errands on my motorcycle this afternoon - with my shorts on.

Last night at 8PM I had to turn on the a/c for the first time this year.

If anyone wants to escape the cold - and if you have big breasts - I have a nice guest room full of furniture and stuff I bought from Mexico. Hit me up on ICQ.

sweetums 01-19-2005 11:24 AM

You better enjoy every little bit of that glorious HEAT!! It's a weeeeee bit on the nipply side up here these days :)

Evil Chris 01-19-2005 11:31 AM

Yes we're going through quite the cold snap right now!
It's ok... I'll be going snow-mobiling on Monday up north!

SexyScribe 01-19-2005 02:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'll say it again...

jscott 01-19-2005 02:48 PM

you arizonians are lucky, it's very cold here in illinois, but today isnt as bad as a couple days ago luckily

dyonisus 01-19-2005 02:49 PM

I will 2nd that ^^
And add that the severe cold followed by a snow fall is driving me insane, how many more weeks until Jamaica?

Janell 01-19-2005 04:44 PM

I love that photo~

IwantU Bryan 01-19-2005 05:19 PM

Great Photo, whos the artist?
Jsut let you guys know really nice weather down here :D

trishie 01-19-2005 08:34 PM

Its way too hot here.. in Outback Australia.. last week we had a week of 40plus (celcius that is).. today is mid 30s thats hot enuff.. I like it about 15 :)

BuggyG 01-20-2005 04:19 PM

i'll tell ya the moment my family jewels th\haw out from going to the store and picking up some stuff down the street

nanda 01-21-2005 10:15 AM

It's cold here..:(

Zebra 01-21-2005 10:55 PM

My nipples are hard.

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