X Nations

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SmokingDawn 01-22-2005 01:36 AM

Congrats to tonight's Webmaster Poker winners!
Tonight's Adult Webmaster Poker winners are as follows:

1st Place- Intillus
$100 content certificate for www.ezsets.com courtesy of Xamo Mike
1.15 million targeted CAN-SPAM compliant email campaign from www.adultgas.com courtesy of Andy and $10 in Pokerboat bucks!

2nd Place- jizbiz
A mensniche .com T shirt and $8 in Pokerboat bucks!

3rd Place- halo18
$5 in Pokerboat bucks

Congrats to all the winners and come join us at the next tourney for more great prizes!

Cold_ice 01-22-2005 04:40 AM

When is the next tourney? Shit I missed this one, its been a long time since I have played.

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