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llaurell 01-24-2005 03:54 PM

FlyntDigital Offers New Pricing Points for VIP Sites
Hi Everyone, :)

We at FlyntDigital have given our affiliates another surefire way to earn more money, thanks to a new HustlerVIP sites pricing structure. Users can now access HUSTLER’S entire list of VIP sites for only $9.95/month while affiliates make $25/join. Affiliates can also decide to receive a recurring 70% rev share of monies paid by their surfers forever. A console-free tour option is available as well, for those looking to keep all their exit traffic.

With a pair of VIP programs in place, affiliates have multiple ways to make out like crazy! This new pricing structure is on top of one that pays $20 per $1 trial for popups and $15 per $1 trial for no popups. More options for surfers and more payout plans for you guys mean a steady stream of bucks into your pocket.

Think about this for a moment…for webmasters that are looking for an effective rev share option this is a perfect solution. How can any surfer resist canceling their membership sites after knowing they can gain immediate access to 8 HUSTLER sites? Imagine getting Hustler.com, Busty Beauties, Barely Legal, and 5 other well-known brand names for as little as $9.95/mo? Surfers can’t lose and affiliates can’t wait to score major green from this.

FlyntDigital has also created new dynamic banners and other marketing tools for you to use in your hottest traffic spots to max out revenue. Make our universally and historically proven brands work for you!

Best wishes, ;)

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