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pornomatic 01-27-2005 03:22 PM

Innovative Blogs, just opened!
We have just opened our Blog Service for our Surfers with advantages for WebMasters

Surfers can now not only bookmark their favorite galleries, but they can also generate their own little blog with favorite galleries.

What in for the Webmaster you think?
If you have galleries listed in AskJolene PPC and somebody bookmarks your gallery and add it to his blog, you will receive free clicks, becasue AskJolene will leave the PPC galleries listed in the Blogs.

So by buying AskJolene PPC traffic and adding quality galleries you will gain extra traffic from AJ Blog Sites without costs.
Even after your campaigns stopped in AskJolene PPC your galleries could still be listed on Blog Sites.

AskJolene will add a whide variation of tools to the Blogs in the future.

What will the surfer get?

A private website on my server where you can publish your bookmarks, along with your private remarks.
Schemable looks: colors, a picture and plenty of soapbox to stand on.
User Statistics: how many saw your blog and when, and what they thought of it
An integrated voting system
Daily user feedback in user comments
A link on my Blog Central for all the world to see.

See an exaple Blog: http://blog.askjolene.com/mikkim18

Greetings AskJolene Team

All info : http://www.askjolene.com/bookmarks2/bloghelp.php
Blog Homepage : http://blog.askjolene.com

vrenelli 01-27-2005 08:13 PM

Best Deal EvER!!
This is the best deal ever since i become a member of XNATIONS.com!!

Keep up the Good Work!!More Power!! :cool:

pornomatic 01-31-2005 03:06 AM

Re: Best Deal EvER!!

Originally posted by vrenelli
This is the best deal ever since i become a member of XNATIONS.com!!

Keep up the Good Work!!More Power!! :cool:

LOL thanks

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