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Brav 01-30-2005 12:14 AM

MediumShemp has traffic for you
The new Toplist created by Shemp and MediumPimpin is accepting sites right now.

Some sites are getting 20:1 traffic back! Amazing!

Medium Shemp is one of the few clean toplists out there with a great flow of traffic, add your sites now to get a piece of the action!

You can find the rules and sign-up form here

Panky 01-30-2005 05:23 AM

I brought this post up to the main forum for the next few days.

This site is a very clean, well run site. It deserves a main forum posting. Brav and the rest of the crew are doing one hell of a good job with this site!


Don Soporno 01-30-2005 08:01 AM

anything to do with shemp and medium pimpin is gonna be a good thing. I have a couple sites listed already and am seeing some good returns.

Brav 01-30-2005 01:55 PM

Thanks Panky :)

Panky 01-30-2005 04:19 PM

You're welcum Brav. :)

Evil Chris 01-30-2005 10:34 PM

The only hitch is that you must be a board member at MP to participate.
I'm not sure if that's a fair practice if you're going to tell the world about it on other boards.

Don Soporno 01-31-2005 06:36 AM

I didnt even notice that you had to be a member, since I already am there was no issue but yea if your gonna REQUIRE they be MP members then maybe advertising on other boards isnt such a good idea. Thats kinda like the Post Green Guy just made over on MP. Its an announcment about taking submissions on a new site but you have to be a member to their board or you cant submit.

Brav 01-31-2005 12:07 PM

Yep, it's actually my fault. I didn't realize being a member to MP was "mandatory" . It was a bit of mis-communication on my part.,

Sorry about that people.

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