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2mmy 02-01-2005 09:21 AM

want to buy bdsm hardlinks?

Do you want to buy hardlinks on way over 200 bdsm tgps, cjs and avs sites... most of the sites got a PR between 1-3 some got 4 some got none, but most 1-2-3

I only got 6 spots for sale...

All the sites offcourse also got traffic so you will also get traffic out of it.

Your hardlinks will be up forever! They will never get taken down!

250$ - thats cheap for a lifetime deal!
Payment only by epassporte...

If interested hit me up on icq 112325203 or mail me at webmaster@fetishplayers.com

2mmy 02-03-2005 05:57 AM

bump ;) still got a few spots left..

hit me up

icq: 112325203
mail: webmaster@fetishplayers.com

monaro 02-03-2005 07:56 AM

G'day, email sent, should be interesting.

2mmy 02-03-2005 08:13 AM

Mail sent back ;)

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