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Sarah_MaxCash 02-01-2005 08:53 PM

Webinc Weekly Design Special: Super Bowl Specials !
To celebrate Super Bowl week Webinc.com is making this weeks design specials super special. We aren't offering just one deal but FIVE different design deals!

This week's design deals are as follows:

Webinc Mini Promo Pack -

2 Full Page Ads
2 Half Page Ads
10 Animated Banners

For Only $499.00

Plus we are offering banner deals for every budget! -

100 Animated Banners $579.00

50 Animated Banners $300.00

10 Static Banners $90.00

10 Flash Banners (Standard Sizes) $349.00

Promo Material Sample Pack:

The banners can be for a mixture of sites and can be made up of a variety of sizes and shapes.

Check out our massive banner and HPA/FPA portfolios to see just what a great offer this really is for our high quality designs and customer service.

If you need any help, would like to place an order or have any questions feel free to contact me at sarah@webinc.com or on icq at 232834291.

p.s. Go Eagles ! (Sarah's opinion is not necessarily the opinion of Webinc as a whole...lol)

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