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Detour- Diva 02-08-2005 12:25 AM

Announcing the Launch of DateApp.com...Dating Software!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 7th, 2005

Announcing the Launch of DateApp.com
Getting Personal with Profits, DateApp Dating Software

Atlanta, GA – DateApp.com announced today the Launch of their Online Applications to Empower other Websites with Robust Dating Tools: First-of-its-Kind Integrated Service Enables Webmaster's to create their Own Customized Dating Portal in Minutes.

DateApp.com is ranked Top 40 Most Innovative Companies of 2005, according to the January 2005 Georgia Technology Summit, by a industry-leading independent panel to include Innovations Publishing, Market Quest, HIG Ventures, and Hunton & Williams, among others. DateApp.com is a content and application provider for over 1,000+ dating portals utilizing a shared database spanning 50 States and 148 countries.

Developing the technology and keeping up with the greatest applications to facilitate the matching process such as video chat, member voice mail, SMS, cell phone, and speed dating technologies are cost intensive to develop and deploy. DateApp empowers their partner network (Web Masters) to quickly create and customize their dating site(s) within about 15 minutes. DateApp handles all of the operational functions such as site administration, profile approvals, hardware maintenance, continual site upgrades, and application development. For the partnered website, the real advantage comes from the ability to create an additional revenue source and gain valuable consumer data from existing site traffic.

The Cost:

How does absolutely nothing—spelt F-R-E-E—strike you?

And you thought you couldn’t start a new phase of your Web business without laying up the dollars!

How it works:

Through an online portal wizard, DateApp provides partnered websites with the ability to manage a highly customized, private labeled dating portal. From a single console, partnered websites can create a theme, site text, logo, Meta data, and specialized database filters to create the prefect portal to service their unique traffic.

Flagship portals created from DateApp’s technologies include www.Romantici.net, www.AdultSky.com and www.CruisingForHim.com, and http://date.SickPuppy.com. DateApp provides a shared member database covering all 50 states and 148 countries and they fully administer the sites profile approvals, chat room moderation, billing and continued application development, while sharing 50% of initial and continuing revenues with their partners.


For more information please visit us at http://www.DateApp.com.

DateApp Networks
John-Michael Cataldi
Phone: 678.318.3696 x 100
Email: jcataldi@dateapp.com

This news is brought to you by Detour Interactive Inc.
Experience the New Direction of Interactive Marketing.

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