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ClubPro 02-11-2005 06:20 PM

I switched hosting it was a smart move
I switched hosting it was a smart move

I now have Powerstorm hosting
and it looks like a great deal to me.

Powerstorm's Platinum Virtual (Shared) hosting
Package includes 1.5 GB Storage & 75 GB Transfer
at only $19.95 monthly.

I used to have Web Gems Hosting
Shared Hosting (Virtual) VR-SPLAN 3
with 750 MB storage and 35 GB Transfer
at the same $19.95 monthly.

to get a comparable plan from WebGems would be

$45 monthly for their VR-SPLAN 4 and that would
only get 1 GB Storage and 75 GB Transfer, so
for over 2x the price at WebGems, for VR-SPLAN 4
you get actually less than the Platinum Package
at Powerstorm = www.powerstorm.net

And if the Platinum package at Powerstorm
is not enough they have a great Virtual Plan
that has A LOT!! in the "Paysite Powerhouse".

"Paysite Powerhouse" (Powerstorm) has
a generous 8 GB Storage & Whopping 250 GB Transfer.
that for only $75 monthly!

for your $75 at WebGems (VR-SPLAN 5) is worth
only 2 GB Storage and 175 GB Transfer, (no comparison)
not much compared to the Paysite Powerhouse
offered by Powerstorm at www.powerstorm.net

I also prefer the CPanel at Powerstorm to the
panel controls & interface that is at WebGems.

No matter how you slice it Powerstorm
is definitely a better value than WebGems.

That's my assessment and is now my choice.

I recommend POWERSTORM! :)

Thanks PowerStorm!


Evil Chris 02-11-2005 09:27 PM

As long as you're happy, that's the important thing Pro!

I have XNations hosted at OXEO, and I have only good words for them.
I also have an account at nakedhosting.com. I've had that account for several years now.

ClubPro 02-11-2005 10:14 PM

sure thing bro, wasn't knocking WG, just my
comparison and opinion from my own experience
as to different plans at places that are suitable to me
and my current site's situation and level I am at
and what seems to be useful and of value to me.

Thought this was an informative comparison of some positive value
but I have been criticised at many places for this post.

Don Soporno 02-11-2005 10:37 PM

dude, if I ever start an aggressive marketing campaign on something I am gonna look you up.

ClubPro 02-11-2005 11:15 PM

Thanks! :)

Don Soporno 02-11-2005 11:24 PM

your like crabs on a gay cruise man, you get around.

monaro 02-12-2005 04:05 AM

G'day Clubpro.

Your with a good company when you host with Powerstorm. Really good support and some solid shared hosting.

1.5 GB Storage & 75 GB Transfer
at only $19.95 monthly great price for space and bandwidth.

Nice to know they are looking after you Clubpro.

Have a great day!

Pendo 02-12-2005 04:41 PM

nice deal, I'll check them out..

FeTiShLaDy 02-14-2005 07:51 AM

i think you've done the right thing and as long as you are happy with it then go on.

Don Soporno 02-14-2005 02:05 PM

its good to see you agin Lawrence, how have you been?...;-)

monaro 02-15-2005 04:15 PM

How is your hosting going Clubpro?
They are growing by the month.

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