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vdc-loki 02-12-2005 01:13 AM

Any Chance of an RSS Feed...
Hi all new here, I was wondering if there was an RSS Feed for XNations, or if there were plans for adding an RSS Feed.

For those that do not know what an RSS Feed is let me explain:

to put it simply RSS = Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication depending who you listen to. What it does for a forum type format is display the last 10 threads started on a forum, You then need an RSS reader (Firefox now has one built in ) to read the RSS File properly. You can then get your fav site updates through your reader or even syndicate is via certain things IE Blog software etc.

Take a look at some other boards and you'll see the orange RSS or XML buttons


Panky 02-12-2005 01:19 AM

Welcum to XNations Loki. :)

We'll consider implementing an RSS feed. Depends on how much demand there is for it.

thruma 02-13-2005 11:44 AM

I like RSS it's one of the coolest things.
If there was an RSS feed for xnations I would
use it.

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