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llaurell 02-14-2005 08:17 PM

FlyntDigital Offers Highest PPV Payout with HustlerVOD
Happy Valentine’s Day Everybody… :love:

FlyntDigital is excited to offer industry-leading Pay-Per-View payouts of up to 40% with its latest video product, HustlerVOD. This HUSTLER-sized offering is double the normal 20% P-P-V payout and allows you to cut out the middle man and go straight to the source to snag major cash. We realize the VOD market is booming and wanted to pay our affiliates accordingly, as a way of staying thanks for their loyalty and support.

Webmasters, we see huge conversions from non-committal surfers who just want to, “get in, get off and get out” without any membership hassle. With no subscription fees to be tied into, users will be eager to spend more than they’re used to. Additionally, viewers can sample the first 10 minutes of any available movie for free before deciding on their favorite. This guarantees they get exactly what they want, cementing their allegiance.

HustlerVOD is comprehensively stocked with the complete movie archives from both Hustler and VCA, saving surfers the trouble of going to the local video store. This includes universal brands from HUSTLER and VCA that make up a major part of every porn fan’s collection, including: Barely Legal (the #1 selling series of all time), Busty Beauties, VCA’s Deep Inside Series and The Sopornos.

Get all the banners and other promo tools you need now and put them in your major traffic areas for unmatched results.

For more information about this promotion, please call (888) 330-3660 or email sales@flyntdigital.com. Webmasters who wish to signup for this program or would like additional information about FlyntDigital are invited to visit http://www.flyntdigital.com.

Have a great day!


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