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Cyndalie 02-15-2005 01:39 PM

Syndicate Klixxx Content on Your Site!
Klixxx Offers Syndication Tools for Webmasters

2/15/05 - Klixxx Publishing (http://www.KlixxxPublishing.com) is proud to announce the addition of several content syndication tools offered for Klixxx Magazine Online (http://www.Klixxx.com), industry expert blog site kBlogger (http://www.KBlogger.com), and online community Webmaster Safari (http://www.WebmasterSafari.com). Now Klixxx offers four ways to add Klixxx content on sites for webmasters, including webmaster resource sites, affiliate program resources and members' areas to offer additional tools for traffic and revenue partners, and any other adult webmaster destinations. Don't just give webmasters a list of banners and call them "resources." When you syndicate Klixxx content, you offer webmasters REAL resources that will help them MAXIMIZE REVENUES with YOUR program or service.

Currently, Klixxx is offering the following syndication tools for administrators of sites or pages that target an adult webmaster audience: (View all in action on the Klixxx Syndicate home page at http://www.klixxx.com/syndicate.shtml)

Klixxx Articles & Resource Search Utility

Add a Klixxx search box to your site to allow your visitors to search the Klixxx Article Archives, Tools, & Resources archives from your website. The search results open in a new window so you never lose a visitor by adding this feature!

The Klixxx Tip of the Day

The Klixxx Tip of the Day is a unique addition to any webmaster site. Updated daily, the Klixxx Tip of the Day features one unique tip or news item each day to help webmasters pick up important information through their daily Web travels. There are two ways to add the Klixxx Tip of the Day to your site: Pop-Under or iFrame. The Pop feature works by allowing you to add a line of code to any page of your site under which you want the pop-up to appear. This pop-under is set to only launch once per day per visitor session. The code is blocker friendly and 100% non malicious. The iFrame Plug-in is also one line of code which you add to your site, and is a static option to plug the tip of the day into your Web page via an iFrame. Co-branding options are available if you wish to have your logo appear in the Tip of the Day served on your site. Both formats feature content fed to your site from Klixxx, updated exclusively by Klixxx, and all links open in a new window so you never lose a visitor by adding this feature to your site .

KBlogger News Feed

Blogging is the latest Internet rage and Kblogger is the first adult industry blog for webmasters! Written by insider industry specialists and updated several times each week, you can plug this tool into your home page to let others read what top industry experts have to say. This Blog Feed utility allows you to add rotating headlines of the latest blog posts in a small box on your Web page. The headline links open in a new window so you never lose a visitor by adding this feed .

Go On Safari - Feed the Animals

Feed the latest topics from the Klixxx Webmaster Safari forums to your site! This feed offers dynamically updated links that open in a new window so this feature only contributes active topics to your site. You can adjust the code for font, character length for the links, etc.

With more syndication tools in the works, Klixxx invites all website owners with webmaster traffic or resources pages to add any or all of the Klixxx content plug-ins.

Visit the Klixxx Syndicate home page at http://www.klixxx.com/syndicate.shtml

About Klixxx

Klixxx Adult Webmaster Magazine is a monthly publication for businesses and professionals in the adult Internet industry since 2000. Online at Klixxx.com, webmasters can view full article archives, sign up for weekly Klixxx News, join in on the Klixxx Community at WebmasterSafari and kBlogger, find tools and resources, further their education and find programs and services to maximize their online business success. Visit Klixxx Publishing for adult webmaster advertising opportunities, view the online media kit, as well as explore all the sites and products in the Klixxx Adult Webmaster Network at http://www.KlixxxPublishing.com . Contact: Marketing@Klixxx.com

For advertising at WebmasterSafari.com please visit http://www.webmastersafari.com/advertise.html or contact Sales@WebmasterSafari.com.

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