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dyonisus 02-15-2005 04:39 PM

Adult Magazine Distribution
I am doing some research on distribution of a product that is essentially a magazine but with the contents on CD and DVD placed in a die cut magazine style layout that will be shrink wrapped for retail sales.

Does anyone kow of any distribution companies that would handle this type of product on a mass scale

Hit me up if you do...

McAttack 02-15-2005 07:53 PM

Check it out with your printer. We researched a magazine and found that printers are typically associated with distributors. Quebecor for example wouldn't really want to talk to us unless we went with them on distribution, and they were looking at numbers of at LEAST 200,000/month. Units, not $. And now you got to prove to them that this product will outsell the other products because they have to remove one to try yours. Innovation isn't a big thing here, they want to see tried and tested products that they know will sell.

dyonisus 02-16-2005 10:59 AM

Hey thanks for that... Will try to talk to a few printers today and see what they say.

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