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TiBo 12-06-2002 04:35 PM

Script School Javascript course starts Today!
Hey X-Nation

Our 7th course at Script School will be introduced and begin today, Friday Dec 6, 2002 and it will be on JavaScript Basics for Webmasters. If you've been cut and pasting JavaScript and always wanted to learn how to write some of your own code, then this course is for you. Also on the show (really, he will be on this time, lol) after a 4 week hiatus will be powells picks returning to help you make your week #14 sportspicks

Click here for Radio Info

Chat is available in IRC at irc.webmasterlive.com #scriptschool or Java - click here

See you there.


TiBo 12-12-2002 08:19 PM

Week two of our Javascript begins with tomorrow's radio show. Friday Dec. 13th at 5pm eastern, 3pm pacific. This show will feature a reveiw of week one so bring any beginner's questions you might have on javascript and join in the fun.

Regular Script School features like c-munk the foul mouthed opinionated thingamawhats, and Powell's NFL sportspicks will be back in full effect. So join the motley cast of characters in the chat room or just grab the radio feed and learn more so you can earn more.

Radio feed:
Script School Radio Feed

Chat Room action:
Script School Chat

TiBo 12-27-2002 09:01 AM

Come catch our last live radio show broadcast of 2002: show #126 where logspirit and TDavid will review week #2 of the JavaScript scripting course: http://class.scriptschool.com/javascript/101/

If you've been cut and pasting JavaScript and always wanted to learn how to write some of your own code, then this course is for you.

radio feed:


TiBo 01-03-2003 03:00 PM

It's that time again.

Radio show #127 with logspirit and TDavid will be broadcast this Friday (today) at 5pm easter (2pm pacific) and focus on our current Javascript course: http://class.scriptschool.com/javascript/101/

If you've been cut and pasting JavaScript and always wanted to learn how to write some of your own code, then this course is for you.

radio feed:


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