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Ramos 02-17-2005 05:49 PM

I must be trippin'
ALL day, I thought it was friday....you know that feeling you have..the weekend baby...and now I realized it's only thursday!


Funbrunette 02-17-2005 06:23 PM

Happens all the time in this biz....You lose track of time! :D But don't worry tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :glugglug:

Ramos 02-17-2005 07:26 PM

Yeh Your Right!!!!!!!!

Not the first time and certainly not the last!

Panky 02-17-2005 09:55 PM

If I didn't have the little clock in the lower right hand corner of my screen, that when moused over, displays the day/date, or (x)'ing out the day on my dry erase board, I would have no clue what day of the week it is.

I used to think something was wrong with my grandmother because she was sharp as a whip, but never could remember what the day of the week it was or the date. I used to think, "How can she not know what day or date it is?" Now that I work from home, I completely understand. LOL! :D

monaro 02-18-2005 03:40 AM

Weekend has already arrived... Just cracked open a cold one.

I have felt that feeling, waking up on a Sunday thinking it was Monday.

FeTiShLaDy 02-18-2005 08:23 AM

it's friday evening here and weekend is here...sorry ramos you've got one more day..;)

Gruntled 02-18-2005 01:14 PM

What's your favorite "Yay! it's the weekend!" drink?

Ramos 02-18-2005 01:26 PM

A 40 ounce of Crazy Horse

kaustic 02-18-2005 02:31 PM

I went back to school, and my schedule sucks ass! I actually have class 8:30am saturday mornings until 12 noon.... Luckily I only have to show up tomorrow, and my final is the following saturday.... but it still sucks, and I will have to take more classes on saturday mornings next semester!

Kill me.... smoke somethin, drink somethin in my honour :(

Ramos 02-18-2005 02:38 PM


Originally posted by kaustic
I went back to school, and my schedule sucks ass! I actually have class 8:30am saturday mornings until 12 noon.... Luckily I only have to show up tomorrow, and my final is the following saturday.... but it still sucks, and I will have to take more classes on saturday mornings next semester!

Kill me.... smoke somethin, drink somethin in my honour :(

That schedule does kinda suck, at least your doing it1 It won't last forever.....Will por some liquor out for ya holmes!

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