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Evil Chris 02-22-2005 08:41 PM

Introducing - TeenRevenue.com
Introducing.... www.teenrevenue.com
The Best-Selling Teens on the Web!

From the same team that originally brought you Little April and Triplexcash, comes TeenRevenue.com!

The teen niche comes alive with Teen Revenue. We're launching with three brand new teen sites, and one we're sure you already know about. Here's a screen cap of each one, and a couple hosted galleries for each site just to give you a taste. :)





We're sure that these sites, and the ones yet to come will make you more money than you ever thought possible!
Consider the obvious reasons for making us your number one program:
  • Overall best teen conversions
    We have the best overall conversions then any other teen program.
  • A weekly payout.
    Tired of waiting for your check every two weeks? We pay out weekly so you always have cash in your pocket.
  • Multiple payment options.
    Don't like checks? Want it now? Want it automatically put in your online account? We offer check, wires, and E-Passporte too!
  • Fresh hosted galleries added weekly.
    We make them and host them. Just add a link and we'll take care of the rest. We add new hosted galleries on a weekly basis.
  • Exclusive Content only!
    Tired of pushing what everyone else has? Try some truly exclusive content. Give your customers something they've never seen before.
  • Earn 50% Credit Cards, Checks and Phone Sales.
    NO LOST SALES. We're serious about making money. Make money on every transaction no matter what type. We maximize profits so you maximize earnings.
  • The best part of all is.... THESE SITES CONVERT!
    One look at any of the tours, and you'll know that you're on to a WINNER.
    Teen Revenue sites work hard, so you don't have to! Just put up your links, and instantly start MAKING MONEY!
If you have any questions about the new program, let me know!

Evil Chris


Visualad 02-22-2005 08:54 PM

some good pron sites you got there chris!

FeTiShLaDy 02-23-2005 08:51 AM

sites are looking good!

congrats chris.

Funbrunette 02-23-2005 01:06 PM

SPAM!!!!! :angel: Great new stuff!

Evil Chris 02-23-2005 02:29 PM

Thanks everyone... :)

Sheri Santiago 02-24-2005 06:48 AM

Lookin' sweet Chris - you guys get all the honeys and back in AZ we get all the 38 year old crack whores....lol

Evil Chris 02-24-2005 09:01 AM

Thanks Sheri... hey, how's it going with Holly's site?
I haven't chatted biz with either you or Easton in awhile now.

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