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wdsguy 12-06-2002 10:43 PM

Popups vs Popup Free sponsers
I was just wondering, has anyone seen a jump in conversations when they either move from a pop up program to a pop up free program or vice versa? I am just trying to gauge whether having a pop up free tour really matters in terms of conversions


Mister X 12-07-2002 02:27 AM

Well welcome to the Big Bad X!
As far as popups versus nopop I think it depends on the program. If you're getting credit on the consoles you will almost certainly see a decline in conversions. If you aren't it shouldn't make any negative difference to you. Unless it's a program with lower payouts on console-free tours that is. Hehe. Whether it will actually help... maybe. :cool:

Juge 12-07-2002 01:55 PM

Mister X is correct. If the sponsor can credit you with sign ups for the pop-ups, like adult platinum does, then it should do well. some pay per click sponsors can pay a lot per click because of the pop-ups, and wouldnt be able to without them. I guess the best way is just to try them, and see.

wdsguy 12-07-2002 06:38 PM

Thanks for all the input

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