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Evil Chris 03-02-2005 11:24 PM

For fans of "The Office"
I'm a big fan of The Office, the BBC show created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. It's probably the funniest series I have ever watched.

Well, an American version is coming out on NBC this month (March 24th). I've watched the clips, and they're funny but not up to par with the original. Anyway, check them out for what you think.


In similar news, Ricky Gervais is currently working on his new show called "Extras". It's going to air on BBC 1 in September. Apparently it's drawing interest from a lot of A list American comedians and actors. Everyone seems to want to work with Gervais on something.

McAttack 03-03-2005 11:40 AM

Another attempt by american TV to capture british brilliance. It's going to fail, just like all the other tries cause they mess it up real bad every time. The only show that even had a CHANCE of doing well was Men Behaving Badly, but then they chickened out and reworked the show cause it was too edgy. Pfft! What's the point of behaving badly if they're not allowed to.

Evil Chris 03-03-2005 11:53 AM

Good point... lol
One movie I recall that was copied by a US production house was "3 Men and a baby"... It did better than the French original if memory serves.

I still hope the US one does well. I'm sure it won't be up to par with the original, though.

NastyTaylor 03-03-2005 03:28 PM

i like 3 Men and a baby too nice movie i did not knew the original was french!

McAttack 03-03-2005 04:31 PM

What was the Faulty Towers remake? With John Laroquette. Well it was loosely based on it. Last year it was Coupling, failed.

The office is great though, I love watching the BBC just for that.

Don Soporno 03-03-2005 08:41 PM

Im definatly gonna check it out. I used to watch Absolutly Fabulous just cause that one drugged up drunk chick always made me laugh...lol

sweet7 03-04-2005 11:23 AM

I just realized the weatherman from Anchorman is the main character in the US version of The Office! This should be good!

Right-Most guy

gnat69 03-04-2005 02:34 PM

Hopefully the US version won't suck and get cancelled like "Coupling" did......

Some shows should just not be americanized!!!! :)

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