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-   -   Hello from SapphicCash & 100% Payout Week (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=10883)

Jayson 03-09-2005 07:43 AM

Hello from SapphicCash & 100% Payout Week

Firstly, this is my first post on the board so hi. I will be trying to drop in more often. You may have already noticed our SapphicCash banners floating around. If you havent checked us out now is the perfect opportunity to do so.

SapphicCash is running a 100% payout week promotion. Commencing Sunday 13 March through Saturday 19 March we will be paying out 100% on all sales, we will even pay the payment processing costs.

This will only apply to sales made through our NATS affiliate system. To be eligible you must post either (1) your SapphicCash username or (2) one of your SapphicCash linking codes in this thread.

We will upgrade each affiliate who posts their details in this thread to 100% payout for the dates above. New and existing affiliates are eligible.

Dont forget to check out all the fresh promotional content, free hosted galleries, banners etc. You will find all the details in the SapphicCash affiliate admin area.

If you have any questions you can email us at affiliates [at] sapphiccash.com.


Funbrunette 03-09-2005 08:29 AM

Hello and welcome!

Paying out 100% on all sales is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! :xthumbs:

FeTiShLaDy 03-09-2005 09:15 AM

hi there Jayson and welcome to the board!:)

Looks like a good program. Goodluck!

Evil Chris 03-09-2005 03:30 PM

I'm joining <a href="http://affiliate.sapphiccash.com/track/MzY0OjQ6Mg/">Sappiccash today</a> just so I can take advantage of this!

GREAT promo guys! :xthumbs:

Pendo 03-11-2005 12:36 PM

welcome aboard! Great promo!

Panky 03-12-2005 05:35 PM

Welcum to XNations Jayson :)

Sapphic Erotica has really good content! You guys should take a look around and join SapphicCash. A promo like this one is too good to pass up!

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