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GoodChris 12-07-2002 07:58 PM

Chat Programs
Hey all... I am looking for a 'FREE' java based chat program to add to one of my sites..

Can any of you suggest something for me? Would be mucho appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Good Chris

BuggyG 12-07-2002 09:32 PM

ok..ok..now what the $#%@#$ is going on?? Good Chris..Evil Chris?!?!? Why are you people trying to confuse me here?? Ok I know it's not hard to do but even for me...come on. Show a guy some pity. hehehe

ps. sorry Good Cris. I don't know any java chat to help ya.:bonk:

Mister X 12-07-2002 09:38 PM

Re: Chat Programs

Originally posted by GoodChris
Hey all... I am looking for a 'FREE' java based chat program to add to one of my sites..

Can any of you suggest something for me? Would be mucho appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Good Chris

I would say forget it. We tried all of them I think on our Sophdream.com site for a webcam chat and we had troubles with everyone. They go out of business or the server goes down and it's showtime with no chat. I installed GTChat a few weeks ago and it works like a charm. It's cgi based but you don't need mysql or anything. Doesn't burn a hell of a lot of bandwidth either. I think the website is gtchat.de

GoodChris 12-07-2002 09:55 PM

Thanks Mister X, I'll check that out...

I'm actually looking for an applet to host on my own server, not really looking to host on someone elses, but I will definitely check out this cgi one that you have suggested.


Mister X 12-07-2002 10:20 PM

I think anfy has one but you have to pay 20 bucks or something.

Sophdream 12-08-2002 01:05 AM

:D You should really try this cgi one! I`m using it since 2 weeks on my site and it`s a really good one! No more probs with slow server cuz it`s on your own! Give me some new about it!

wsjb78 12-08-2002 07:29 AM

Well, I'd say have a look at:


you can find almost everything there!

AcidMaX 12-09-2002 08:10 AM

www.webmaster.com had one before called Conference Room or something. I'm not sure of the price, but it used to be pretty descent. You might want to check them out.


Nano 12-09-2002 08:54 AM

I've used http://www.chatzone.de/ and it worked really well.

Just a couple of lines to add to your page and the work is done.


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