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Funbrunette 03-12-2005 11:06 AM

My newest addiction...
RED BULL Can't get enough of those! They give me wings...lol Seriously all week I drank only red bull during the day and ate a healthy meal at night and I'm melting away! I got so more engery I feel like the energizer bunny :angel:

Keep going...going....going...:bum:

Oh and, I'm still addicted to men :blush:

sweet7 03-12-2005 01:01 PM

Red Bull is going to be removed from the Canadian market so stock up!

Funbrunette 03-12-2005 05:01 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
Red Bull is going to be removed from the Canadian market so stock up!
Any reason why? :confused:

sammy 03-12-2005 08:26 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
Red Bull is going to be removed from the Canadian market so stock up!
really ?!! :badcomp:

sweet7 03-12-2005 08:43 PM

They're in trouble with health Canada.

thruma 03-13-2005 04:04 PM

I actually had no idea what redbull was.

So I looked it up on the net

Doesn't sound unhealthy to me.

SinSational 03-13-2005 04:21 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Any reason why? :confused:
they're not exactly "healthy"

thruma 03-13-2005 04:40 PM


Originally posted by SinSational
they're not exactly "healthy"
Is it because of the mixture of the ingrediants together?

Taken alone each ingrediant doesn't seem unhealthy.

One of them is an ingrediant in baby formula.
It would be interesting to find out

SinSational 03-13-2005 04:43 PM

i heard that all that caffeine (or whatever) is not good for the heart. sort of like those diet pills. maybe it is the combination of that stuff that makes you "high"

thruma 03-13-2005 04:44 PM

I read about the ingrediants again I bet the unhealthy one is glucuronolactone.

maybe it pushs the bodies suger levels to high.
Could increase risk of diabeties.
Thats not good.

Evil Chris 03-13-2005 04:49 PM

Interesting article on Red Bull:


All of the ingredients found in Red Bull are synthetically produced. Most are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. According to Red Bull, this "guarantees highest quality."

Funbrunette 03-13-2005 06:19 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
They're in trouble with health Canada.
Health Canada can kiss my tanned ass!!!! :p

SinSational 03-13-2005 06:20 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Health Canada can kiss my tanned ass!!!! :p
tanned? we'll need proof. pics please :D

Cold_ice 03-13-2005 06:32 PM

Many kids in high shcool have really gotten sick and I think some have even died by drinking lots of red bull before games or practice.

Red bull with vodka kicks ass.

Funbrunette 03-13-2005 06:47 PM


Originally posted by Cold_ice
Red bull with vodka kicks ass.
Care to share one in the near future! :p

sweet7 03-13-2005 06:51 PM


Originally posted by Cold_ice

Red bull with vodka kicks ass.

this mix has been known to induce heart attacks

McAttack 03-14-2005 12:58 AM

I know it's banned in Ontario, but that's the pussy province.

I prefer the carbonated red bull to the non-carbonated one we get here. If you like RB, you might like Hype. It's pretty much the same but it has more of a citrus flavour.

Rochard 03-14-2005 01:45 AM

I drink four a day myself - starting with one for breakfast.

Janell 03-14-2005 04:14 PM

Red Bull and Vodka breakfast of champions. JK

diesel 03-15-2005 05:08 PM

Red Bull tastes like cough syrup, and it is pointless to drink it now that the ephedrine has been removed from it. If you want the caffeine kick just go to a nutrition store and buy a bottle of caffeine pills (100 pill bottle) $10. Red Bull $3.50.
Also dont forget the amount of refined sugar that is in there, refined sugar is just as much a drug as heroine is. Hopefully that will be banned soon too, and we will no longer have kids under 10 that weigh in at 200 lbs, and have diabetes by age 12.
As for red bull and vodka, nothing worse than spoiling vodka by putting RB in it.
Side note: no one has died from drinking redbull, and then doing strenous exercise.
It is not banned in Ontario, except for the ephedrine version, which was banned in the states long before it was in Canada, thanks to athletes that supposedly died from taking too much. Maybe it was the coke or clenbuterol.

diesel 03-15-2005 05:11 PM

Oh, and btw while moderate amounts of caffeine are beneficial to the brain functions, and as a performance enhancer. Abuse of caffeine, especially by children, and woen over 25 will cause severe bone abnormalites in developing bones, and contribute to weakening bones, and osteoporosis problems in women.
Sorry Funbrunette. Take it from me, i abused many legal and illegal performance enhancing drugs.
Cant wait til I am 50 and need Viagara, I will abuse the f*ck out of that, LOL, sorry i hate being this serious

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