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TheAdultBroker2 03-15-2005 05:02 PM

Women In Adult Welcomes Meatcash as a Sponsor

March 14, 2005 10:30am

Los Angeles, CA --Women In Adult welcome Meatcash as the most recent company to
support Women In Adult’s mission. Women In Adult was created by women for the
industry to help support and empower all women who work in all facets of adult.

“We appreciate Meatcash’s sponsorship and acknowledgement of the organization,” says
Lori Z.-The Adult Broker who is President of WIA. “We have a diverse group of
companies that sponsor WIA and that goes to show the reach that WIA has in many areas
of the industry. It is really great to see WIA be supported by the hardcore sites as well.”

“From Feeds, to Processing, to Gay to Hardcore, this is what our industry is made up of
and WIA’s mission is to support women in all facets of the industry and create
networking opportunities for both men and women,” says Holly Moss, WIA founder.

About Meatcash:

Meatcash is a veteran program in the online adult sector known for its hardcore exclusive
content. They offer free hosted tools, free galleries, 50% revenue share and 100% original
content. http://meatcash.com

Thanks to all WIA sponsors for their contributions and support:

Epassporte, Mansion Productions, NetBilling, Video Secrets, NakedSword, TopBucks,
XBiz, Guba, AEBN and Meatcash.

For more information on Women In Adult please visit: http://womeninadult.com

For WIA sponsorship information please contact holly@hmossconsulting.com or


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