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Panky 03-16-2005 09:04 PM

How many people skin
their browsers, chat programs, movie players, MP3 players, and the likes?

Gruntled 03-16-2005 09:54 PM

A lot.

Especially high school kids. If it's skinnable, they collect the skins. if they have any photoshop skills, they create new ones. Mostly Winamp and other MP#/Audio players, but IM programs come in a close second.

I think I hear your wheels turning.

Evil Chris 03-16-2005 10:10 PM

I used to skin my WinAmp. I don't bother anymore though.

sweet7 03-17-2005 08:17 AM

winamp is the only thing I skin

SinSational 03-17-2005 10:59 AM


Gruntled 03-17-2005 01:33 PM

There are tons of people who collect skins, but don't make them. Getting to be someone's default skin would be quite a challenge.

xxxmalouxxx 03-17-2005 11:44 PM

winamp most of the time
mediaplayer..rarely..cuz i rarely use it lol
and some other things.:p

dyonisus 03-18-2005 11:07 AM

I dont skin at all... cutomization can be cool, but I prefer customizable content to skins

sammy 03-21-2005 12:59 AM


Originally posted by sweet7
winamp is the only thing I skin
same here

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