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lucas131 03-17-2005 04:21 PM

comus thumbs
I build my tgp using script Comus Thumbs. I've got over 5000 sponsor free hosted galleries so i import it. When i want to make a thumbs only way is autothumb all, manual its too slow... This thumbs arent too good that i think. Is it any option to maybe more sharpen, contrastr brightness all thumbs ? I one that this functions are but only to change one not all thumbs.

Or maybe you have your own methods to make good quality thumbs?

Is it sense to import all thumbs to photoshop there use auto actions to make thumbs, example add sharpen fade 30%, contrastr +20, brightness+10? It will make long time, 5000 thumbs photoshop shoud crash. Maybe is it good idea to make small packages example 500 thumbs? In photoshop i can optimize thumbs too..

And another question when comus make me thumbs always grap twice image, is it any option to hange this standart, example to grab randomize pictures 5-10? Or some other number?

What do u think about other idea to downlaod 1 picture with each of 5000 galleries, so i will have 5000 images, every gallery 1 image and i will make thumbs using photoshop, autoactions where photoshop make me thumbs automatic?
But in Express Web pictures i dont find any option to example download only 1 image with gallery and to import 5000 galleries to projekt at once not every one copy add :P

What do u think about my ideas, what are good what bad, can u help me?

SinSational 03-17-2005 11:45 PM

i wish i could help. i haven't played with comus for about a year.

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