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Luis P 03-18-2005 05:07 PM

Do you want to own your own dating site?
Do you want to own your own dating site?

Jupiter Research predicts that online dating will top revenue of $640 million in 2008.

What are you doing about it?

IwantU.com has finally launched its partner program.
By becoming an IwantU.com partner you will receive your own customized dating site, with full ftp access. You’ll possess complete control of your site’s design and enjoy earnings of up to 70% commission, $35 per signup, $6.50 per email or $1 per click!

If you are an existing IwantU.com affiliate and are earning more than $100, then you can become an iwantu.com partner and receive the following at no additional charge:

- A free dating domain name of your choice
- Free unlimited hosting
- A complete and functional dating site – customized with your brand and your site name.
- Full ftp access to your site – you entirely control the design!
- Full customer and technical support for your members. You are only in charge of the design and the traffic.
- We take care of all the credit card processing and member billing.
- You earn up to 70% commission, $35 per signup, $6.50 per email or $1 per click. Signup for one or more of our programs that best fits your marketing strategy.
- Fully integrated affiliate program.

Examples of some partners:


And many others...

Please email your account manager or hit the IwantU team by icq for any question you might have

varius: 520-468
lara: 545-249
bryan: 519-365
luis: 567-483

Become and IwantU.com Partner today

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