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TheAdultBroker2 03-21-2005 10:53 AM

MNP Enterprises Launches StoneyCash

Monday, March 21, 2005, 7:00am

Woodland Hills, CA— MNP Enterprises, best known for affiliate program Meatcash, is working with acclaimed director Stoney Curtis and have recently launched StoneyCash.com.

StoneyCash.com offers exclusive content and sites from Stoney Curtis, known for his hardcore gonzo style, and will be promoted heavily through MNP Enterprises.

“I’m excited about this relationship with Meatcash due to their success and their ability to expose my content to a wider audience via the internet,” says Stoney Curtis.

“Working with Stoney to develop his brand online and with his extensive video catalog and our internet expertise, members will get a healthy dose of frequent updates, fresh content, and superior customer service,” says Arthur Chang, MNP Enterprises' Head of Internet Development, for these releases.

StoneyCash.com offers 100% original content that retains quite well. Presently, Stoney Cash has over 10 hardcore sites including Black in Black http://blackinblack.com, Young Lushish Latinas http://younglushishlatinas.com and StoneyPass http://stoneypass.com. Many news sites are launching soon.

Stoney Cash presently offers a 60% revenue share program, free tools and galleries, and excellent customer support. They also have a great referral program incentive.

For more information, visit http//StoneyCash.com or email ym@meatcash.com.


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