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Samurai Jack 03-21-2005 02:28 PM

Buck Angel launches new site
Buck Angel, the Internet's only female to male transsexual, proudly announces the launch of his newest site: FetishBuck.com. This site features exclusive content aimed at Buck's gay and fetish audiences. It is definitely not for the squeamish.

"I'm very proud of the way Fetish Buck turned out," said Buck Angel. "It's got a different look and feel than my other site, Transexual-Man.com. I've decided to put my heavier content into FetishBuck for all of my fans of gay and BDSM scenes. It's gonna blow ‘em away."

Buck became the first female to male transsexual on the Internet about two years ago and his popularity has been growing ever since. While many are not sure what to make of him, there is no denying that he's becoming a major player in adult entertainment by pioneering an entirely new genre. He recently signed a history-making deal with Robert Hill Releasing as the first FTM to direct and star in 12 hardcore adult films. Angel will soon be appearing on a number of nationally syndicated television shows.

"I love my fans and I hope they enjoy the new site as much as I enjoyed making it," said Buck.

For more information on Buck Angel, contact his marketing/public relations director, Chris Wood at 941-375-0319 or e-mail him at chris@buckangel.com


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