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sweet7 03-22-2005 04:43 PM

Strange ICQ conversation of the day
I thought I would start a thread, as this happens to everyone from time to time. A conversation that comes and goes out of the clear blue sky.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, this thread its to post your own strange chats!!!

Here's my strange chat of the day


badboy (4:30 PM) :
you are speak enghlisch

sweet (4:30 PM) :
badboy (4:30 PM) :
oh its good

sweet (4:31 PM) :
can I help you?
badboy (4:31 PM) :
i speak german

sweet (4:31 PM) :
yes I can see that.
badboy (4:31 PM) :
no no i wont to speak with you

badboy (4:32 PM) :
you are a girl or a boy
sweet (4:32 PM) :
badboy (4:32 PM) :
oh im too

sweet (4:32 PM) :
yes I can see that too
badboy (4:33 PM) :
how are you??

sweet (4:33 PM) :
fine thanks
badboy (4:34 PM) :
im fine , too

sweet (4:34 PM) :
great, do you need something?
badboy (4:34 PM) :
what i neeed

sweet (4:35 PM) :
lol I don't know
badboy (4:35 PM) :
i dont understand you what you want

sweet (4:35 PM) :
you contacted me
badboy (4:36 PM) :

badboy (4:36 PM) :
you can speak german
sweet (4:36 PM) :
no I can't, sorry
badboy (4:37 PM) :
i must to go i must with my sister play
sweet (4:38 PM) :
ok have fun

badboy (4:38 PM) :
thanks , you too
badboy (4:38 PM) :
bye lol

sweet (4:39 PM) :
badboy (4:39 PM) :
ok bye
i must go

sweet (4:39 PM) :
ok bye

If you think it makes no sense, well that's because you're right. :bonk: ::-|

Evil Chris 03-22-2005 05:55 PM

I must have like 3 conversations per day on ICQ just like that. LOL
Only in my case, they're webmasters. :bonk:

Gruntled 03-22-2005 06:19 PM

Sorry about that, Chris. I'll keep the ICQ conversations with you down to 2 per day.


Evil Chris 03-22-2005 08:40 PM

Gruntled... I'm going to get FB to spank you if it happens again!

myjah 03-23-2005 08:39 PM

Haha. It's amusing but doesn't that always seem to happen when you have a million things going on and don't have time for such silliness?

sweet7 03-23-2005 10:10 PM


Originally posted by myjah
Haha. It's amusing but doesn't that always seem to happen when you have a million things going on and don't have time for such silliness?
The past two days have been pretty bad with me and I keep getting people that want to chat for no reason. They think I'm a chick, 'cause my nick is sweet :badcomp:

Gruntled 03-23-2005 10:13 PM

never fails.

EC-- Where do I sign? :bonk:

Rochard 03-26-2005 02:41 AM

Most of my conversations with Scooter are like that.

SinSational 03-26-2005 11:21 PM

i get one of those every once in a while.

Janell 03-29-2005 01:11 PM

badboy (4:37 PM) :
i must to go i must with my sister play

thats scarey.

DarkKnights 03-29-2005 05:47 PM

I had someone saying they were from russia contact me asking "you amerikan?" i replied yes. he goes on to tell me he hates George Bush. I agree with him, I didn't vote for him either. he proceeds to go on a long rant about the evil amerikan empire led by George bush. I tell him if he hates George so much why doesn't he go to his web site and tell hime about it h**p://www.whitehouse.gov he says he will. a couple days later he contacts me again telling me he wrote George Bush a long letter and doesn't understand why he has not gotten a reply......I blocked him after that

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