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Funbrunette 03-25-2005 09:32 AM

See you all in a month!
Got some emergency family biz to take care of, so I will be away for about a month, no ICQ, Email or Xnations! Please take care and behave!

See you all in about a month!

Hugs & kisses

Funbrunette :xthumbs:

Visualad 03-25-2005 11:49 AM


McAttack 03-25-2005 11:57 AM

y'all come back y'hear

SinSational 03-26-2005 11:30 PM

hope everything is ok.
take care.

Rochard 03-29-2005 12:32 PM

Family emergencies always suck.

Recently my Grandmother began the final stages of her life. She was a good strong Polish woman, and she lived a good life. She was the center and the rock of our family; In fact, she more or less raised me when my father died when I was just a baby.

Luckily most of our family stayed together in New Jersey and she was well taken care of. We made a trip home last year calling it a vacation, but in fact it was to say goodbye and to give our daughter one last chance to see her. Hopefully she'll remember her Great Grandmother.

My Grandmother passed away last January while were we in Vegas for Internext. I was disappointed I had to leave the parties, but I had to return "home" to pay my respects.

I hope all goes well on your end. Remember there are good times and bad times with family. Deal with what you have to deal with, but remember the good times always outweigh the bad times.

Janell 03-29-2005 01:08 PM

A month is a long time to be away from technology. Best of luck with your family.

FeTiShLaDy 03-30-2005 07:41 AM

you will miss a lot of things on Xnations but we understand it's a family thing and it's more important so take it easy FB and goodluck.

Don Soporno 03-30-2005 01:15 PM

When I first read the title I thought it said "See you all in my mouth", glad I read closer.

I hope all is well.

gorgeous 03-31-2005 04:18 AM

goodluck FB..

regards to your family

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