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rand 04-04-2005 05:08 PM

>> ePassporte News
ePassporte to Launch Message Center
ePassporte is changing the way you receive notifications and messages regarding your account by eliminating ePassporte's email in favor of an ePassporte message center.

The new ePassporte message center will allow you to:
a) Retrieve important notices from ePassporte and notifications of financial transfers.
b) Contact support personnel by specific inquiry.
c) Forward messages from the ePassporte message center to any external email address.

The message center is expected to launch around noon Pacific on April 20,th. Once the message center launches, ePassporte email will be permanently discontinued. If you have messages in your ePassporte email that you feel are important, you should forward those to an external email address at your earliest convenience.

Effective today
In order to increase the security and privacy of our cardholders, to stop Unsolicited Commercial Email using ePassporte email addresses, and to stop phishing attempts aimed at ePassporte account holders, ePassporte is phasing out the ability to receive email from any non-ePassporte address. You will still be able to receive email from ePassporte support and from any ePassporte account holder, and, you may send an email from ePassporte to any external email address.

Coming This Summer: Live Chat Support
ePassporte will soon be launching live chat support from its website. Live chat support, an instant messaging service, will allow ePassporte account holders to get fast answers to their questions and alleviate back-and-forth emails and/or calls to the support center.

To contact ePassporte
From US Toll-Free: 1 (877) EPASS90 [1 (877) 372-7790]
International and US: 1 (310) 301-2001
International and US Fax: 1 (310) 943-2410

lazzlo 04-05-2005 07:30 AM

I wish they would change how to open an account with the stupid double pending charges and all the damn phone calls everywhere :(

lazzlo 04-05-2005 07:32 AM

I am guessing you work for them, my problem was the first pend went thru, I had to phone my cc company, get that, then the second never showed, and i called my cc company 3 times, know how much waiting that is? i called you guys, said it went thru, called the cc company, not there. i gave up.
Then of course I took 2 guess's and now have to call you back to re-set it, then do the double pend thing again. So for now I just get people to reload it and I paypal them.

FeTiShLaDy 04-05-2005 08:48 AM

that's a good news!
way to go ePassporte.

TheLegacy 04-05-2005 10:19 AM

once ynotpayment.com comes into effect - you may never have to use these guys

dyonisus 04-05-2005 10:25 AM

I am very interested to hear more about the ynot pay system...

lazzlo 04-05-2005 11:00 AM

sounds intresting :)

Evil Chris 04-05-2005 11:17 AM

Re: >> ePassporte News

Originally posted by rand
Effective today
In order to increase the security and privacy of our cardholders, to stop Unsolicited Commercial Email using ePassporte email addresses, and to stop phishing attempts aimed at ePassporte account holders, ePassporte is phasing out the ability to receive email from any non-ePassporte address. You will still be able to receive email from ePassporte support and from any ePassporte account holder, and, you may send an email from ePassporte to any external email address.
Rand, with this in mind, how will be be notified of deposits to our accounts? I usually see them by way of an email to my epassorte email.

rand 04-05-2005 02:57 PM

Re: Re: >> ePassporte News

Originally posted by Evil Chris
Rand, with this in mind, how will be be notified of deposits to our accounts? I usually see them by way of an email to my epassorte email.
Until the 20th you willl still see your payments show up in your balance, your eP email, and in your transaction history.

After the 20th, email goes away in favor of the message center. Messages sent to the Message Center can be redirected to an externall email address if you choose.

rand 04-05-2005 03:02 PM


Originally posted by lazzlo
Then of course I took 2 guess's and now have to call you back to re-set it, then do the double pend thing again. So for now I just get people to reload it and I paypal them.
Guessing the pending amounts won't work. But you're not the only one to try that.

There are other ways to verify your account. But your bank has an obligation to tell you about the activity on your account. Try again. Use VBV (Verifired by Visa) if you can as it's faster and easeir (if your bank supports it) but if you must use eP-Verify, call your bank and ask for a supervisor. This isn't that difficult and is the same thing PayPal does so your bank should be familiar with the request.

pf69.com 04-05-2005 09:14 PM

those changes looks like a good thing....lets see how they will come....

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